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A Renewal -- James Merrill

Guest poem submitted by Vikram Doctor:
(Poem #528) A Renewal
 Having used every subterfuge
 To shake you, lies, fatigue, or even that of passion,
 Now I see no way but a clean break.
 I add that I am willing to bear the guilt.

 You nod assent. Autumn turns windy, huge,
 A clear vase of dry leaves vibrating on and on.
 We sit, watching. When I next speak
 Love buries itself in me, up to the hilt.
-- James Merrill
A short, sad and lovely poem that perfectly illustrates the inexplicable
complications of emotional bonds. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship
must have felt like this at sometime. And 'up to the hilt' perfectly captures
both the depths and the pain.

Merrill is best known for his longer poems, particularly the sequence
collectively known as 'The Changing Light At Sandover', but he could also
produce small gems like these.


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