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Foolish, not Social -- Sankha Ghosh

Guest poem sent in by Sarah Korah
(Poem #1765) Foolish, not Social
 Returning home do you feel you talked too much?
 Cleverness, do you feel very tired?

 Do you feel like sitting quiet in the blue cottage
 Burning incense, after a bath, on return?

 Do you feel like wearing a human body at last
 After taking off the demon's dress?

 Liquid time carries moisture into the room.
 Do you feel like an ananta-shayana on her floating raft?

 If you feel like that, come back. Cleverness, go away.
 Does it really matter?
 Let them say foolish, let them say unsocial.
-- Sankha Ghosh
Note: ananta-shayana: Vishnu sleeping on the cosmic serpent Ananta.

I like people, and enjoy being outdoors. But on some weekends, I just long
to curl up with a book.. and have a cup of tea. Very antisocial and very
foolish - but quite enjoyable :-)

Sarah Korah

A brief bio of Sankha Ghosh can be found at

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