The Pub with No Beer -- Gordon Parsons

Guest poem sent in by Mallika Chellappa
(Poem #1898) The Pub with No Beer
 It's lonesome away from your kindred and all
 By the camp fire at night where the wild dingoes call,
 But there's nothing so lonesome so morbid or drear
 Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer.

 Now the publican's anxious for the quota to come
 There's a far away look on the face of the bum
 The maid's gone all cranky and the cook's acting queer
 What a terrible place is a pub with no beer.

 Then the stock-man rides up with his dry dusty throat
 He breasts up to the bar, pulls a wad from his coat,
 But the smile on his face quickly turns to a sneer,
 When the bar man said sadly "The pub's got no beer".

 There's a dog on the 'randah for his master he waits
 But the boss is inside drinking wine with his mates
 He hurries for cover and cringes in fear
 It's no place for a dog round a pub with no beer.

 Old Billy the blacksmith first time in his life
 Has gone home cold sober to his darling wife,
 He walks in the kitchen, she says "You're early, me dear",
 But then he breaks down and he tells her "The pub's got no beer".
-- Gordon Parsons
Note: Based on Dan Sheahan's poem "A Pub Without Beer", and sung to the tune
of "Beautiful Dreamer"

Following up on the outback poem, and not summer per se.  I wonder how many
people remember this song - from the 60s - !?

It was a top hit on the Binaca Hit Parade (Obviously it was also a #1 hit in
Australia and the UK!) - how many people remember this English countdown by
the late Hamid (Hameed?) Sayani - older brother of Ameen Sayani, who
compered the Hindi countdown Binaca Geet Mala on Radio Ceylon?

Hamid also anchored the Cadbury Amateur Hour, where budding singers could
exercise their vocal chords.

Hamid Sayani was killed in the Air India plane crash in Bombay in - was it
the New Year's day crash of 1978? Can't seem to find it on the web. This
great and lovable personality seems to have left almost no footprint on the

Delhi AIR's own response to Radio Ceylon was "A Date with You" on Friday
evenings, and Hamid also compered this show. On Madras AIR, I can't remember
the name of the show, but the compere was Gayathri Krishnaswamy nee Grace

India had other radio greats like Laurence "Bobby" Clark (?), Melville
D'Mello, Roshan Menon, Lotika Ratnam, .. to name just a few. And there is
almost nothing to be learned about them on the web.



On the history of the song:
  [broken link]

Sheahan's original poem:

Gordon Parsons biography:
  [broken link]


  1. > Guest poem sent in by Mallika Chellappa

    > Note: Based on Dan Sheahan's poem "A Pub Without Beer", and sung to the tune
    > of "Beautiful Dreamer"

    With due respect, I must object!

    The tune, while having some similarities to 'Beautiful Dreamer', is by
    no means the same. Listen to the midi file in one of the links!

    This is our third national anthem you are dissing here!!


  2. Thank you very much for the words of theis song. I rememeber it well and
    used to enjoy singing along with it tho' I could never catch all the
    words. I am too old to sing it now but I did enjoy reading the verses.

    Yes we had some real greats on radio. And no one on TV seem to have the
    same charm these people had.

    Thank you once again. How about Waltzing Matilda?

  3. wow very nice all my friends love it, good luck what you aspire goal in building this blog, I say thank you for what I have here. Greetings from me. toko, kami ini menjual berbagai macam perangsang wanita yang dapat di gunakan untuk membantu hubungan sex

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