Guest poem submitted by Pavithra Krishnan:
(Poem #639) One Art The art of losing isn't hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn't hard to master. Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster. I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or next-to-last, of three loved houses went. The art of losing isn't hard to master. I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent. I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster. ---Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster. |
The concept of loss has long been favoured by the poets. In their turns they have variously bemoaned the loss of beauty, youth, fame, life -- and love. The poetry of loss is a genre unto itself. Immediately poignant by its implications of tragedy. Freighted with an irrevocable absence. Often shadowed by pain, sadness. ... yeah, I think loss works pretty darn well in verse. And I'm also certain Elizabeth Bishop understood all this. Perhaps better than she might have cared to. There is a courageous pretense built into this poem that I like. Bishop is wry, funny and flippant and very determined not to sound weepy-eyed. The fierce repetition of the line "the art of losing's not hard to master" makes you wonder how far and fast she's had to lose. To me Bishop is valiantly attempting to make believe for awhile that the experience of loss may be impersonalised into perfection by practising it as an art (take a breather). That she succeeds in convincing neither herself nor her reader, hurts her verse not the least. Pavithra.
Hi ,
ReplyDeleteActually I think the art of losing is hard to master, and I find the poem
quite flipppant in it's dismissal of life and losing. As admirable as it
seems, I do not think I would so easily give up the material and spirititual
possessions that are advocated by the poem.
Do you really have an interest in this poem?
Interested in your comments,
i don't understand the end of this poem! whom has this person lossed at the
ReplyDeleteend? is it a person or the joking voice? what does she mean by joking voice
anyway? why does it say "write it" in the middle of the sentence? I'm
i think she's talking to the reader at the end of the poem
ReplyDeleteI think that Bishop is saying that we grow beyond the little losses,
ReplyDeletethink that we have reached an anchored place, and then lose the one
important thing ... in this case a friend/lover? [his/her joking
voice, a gesture] ... and now she must make herself "WRITE IT" ...
because it is a disaster and the one path through it is to
write/express it.
Ray Rasmussen
"villanelle", folks, "villanelle".
ReplyDelete(Somebody has to say it.)
Marilyn Hacker has a wise and beautiful response to this poem. This is from her
ReplyDelete1990 collection, "Going Back to the River."
From Orient Point
The art of living isn’t hard to muster:
Enjoy the hour, not what it might portend.
When someone makes you promises, don’t trust her
unless they’re in the here and now, and just her
willing largesse free-handed to a friend.
The art of living isn’t hard to muster:
groom the old dog, her coat gets back its luster;
take brisk walks so you’re hungry at the end.
When someone makes you promises, don’t trust her
to know she can afford what they will cost her
to keep until they’re kept. Till then, pretend
the art of living isn’t hard to muster.
Cooking, eating and drinking are a cluster
of pleasures. Next time, don’t go round the bend
when someone makes you promises. Don’t trust her
past where you’d trust yourself, and don’t adjust her
words to mean more to you than she’d intend.
The art of living isn’t hard to muster.
You never had her, so you haven’t lost her
like spare house keys. Whatever she opens,
when someone makes you promises, don’t. Trust your
art; go on living: that’s not hard to muster.
ReplyDeleteWRTE IT! Those two little words are the big lesson, the tough task, and
the main hope. Thanks for saying it so well.
Yes since it's the road map and the life line. Great grandchild of
Thank you for this! Though I think Bishop's poem is more beautiful. I
ReplyDeleteloved it and memorized it and for as long as I said it every now and
then it was a good companion. Some poems - this is one of them - feel
good in the mouth, and you can tell it even before you read them aloud.
(Write it) - Elizabeth is forcing a moment. Take a breath, sit up and face the feelings that you have buried deep. "It may look like"... reminded "may" . After the feelings have been forced, maybe then you can accept "the art of losing"...and go on.
ReplyDeleteThe point to this poem is that the art of losing is hard to deal with but
ReplyDeleteeveryone is good at it. Its universal appeal is what makes this poem so
powerful. We have all lost someone...we all get pissed when we loose the little
mundane things like keys or a wallet or eyeglasses. Bishop tells us to let go.
Simple and Pure. Just let go!
This poem and poet share a common experience. Trying to remember where I last left off in the middle of a sentence, stop write down what I ment to say in the beginning when I was trying to remember what it was I was trying to say. Yeah, I really embrase the poet and her poem.
ReplyDeleteSky Kaly in NM, still here.
I think the poem is saying: those who love always experience loss, but
ReplyDeletethis is no reason not to love - rather, to accept that in life you have to
deal with loss - and to accept this, means you can survive, and even start
living after your loss (and what better way to start the uphill struggle
than to build on the small, but well rehearsed experience of loss gained
in our daily lives)
Kate Bills
Northdoor plc
In the recent film ŒIn her shoes¹ this poem is read in a nursing home by an
ReplyDeleteapparently ignorant dyslexic girl (Cameron Diaz) to a blind professor of
literature (Norman Lloyd), who elicits from her a poignant interpretation,
perhaps the best moment in the film.
In the recent film 'In Her Shoes' this poem is read in a nursing home by an
ReplyDeleteapparently ignorant dyslexic girl (Cameron Diaz) to a blind professor of
literature (Norman Lloyd), who elicits from her a poignant interpretation,
perhaps the best moment of the film.
Think of this poem and especially the "art" of losing in connection to the mastery of writing poetry. Bishop is stuggling to deal with the loss of a lover or close friend (we can assume this from the final quatraine) and she is dealing with this loss by showing her compentcty in writing poetry and especially in tackling a villanelle (a difficult and strict structure). "Write it!"- a command to herself to express her grief through the art of poetry.
ReplyDeleteso what do you all think?
In this poem, Bishop talk about a person witch live a not importnat
ReplyDeletelife. It´s a critical way of life.
Have you ever lost someone you cared about? One day they were there and the next they were just out of your life? Coping with it is impossible. It could be a hard breakup or a death or just a falling out with a friend or loved one. She's not just overlooking loss and saying its easy - she's trying to hard for that if you really look closely. she can't master it - that's why she had to tell herself "write it" about it looking like disaster in the final line. That is how she feels. The loss was a disaster, she's trying to pull herself through it, but she's really quite miserable.
ReplyDeleteLosing is a part of life and we should learn to deal with it. It is not a
ReplyDeletedisaster to lose your spare keys or move away from a place you love,
adopting this attitude helps us go through life - if you have a master
key, if there are many other wonderful places in the world left to explore
what is there to feel sorry for, but extending this approach to
relationships with people doesn’t work as well, as the poet tries to
convince herself (ironically)
Salmonde1, I feel is the nearest to understanding Bishop’s words.
ReplyDeleteBishop tries to convince herself that to lose someone close can be
disregarded in the same manner as mislaying ones keys. That one can lose all
material possessions and that it doesn’t really matter.
Well it doesn’t! But to lose someone close does matter. It is a disaster, a
tragedy and fills one full or regret.
Especially if the loss is due to being careless in that lost relationship.
Her self denial of the importance of the lost relationship evaporates in the
last line, when she suddenly is a disaster.
I think this is one of the saddest poems I have ever read. The poet puts on a brave face, but as the poem progresses you are aghast at how much she (and by extension, we all) have lost (or will). "Write it!" is placed precisely where it should be to prove that all loss, no matter how minor, is symbolic of the terrible process of life, in which we all have to lose every single thing, even existence itself: "like disaster." Someone once wrote that to buy a pet is to buy a tragedy. Well, to live is to live a tragedy as well. "Call no man happy until he is dead."
ReplyDeleteP.P.S. Evidently this listserv doesn't permit emphasis. Anyway, "Write" is italicized.
ReplyDeleteP.P.P.S. Oh yeah, and Gerard Manley Hopkins's "Margaret, are you grieving" and certain Japanese and Chinese poems I know by heart as well. All about loss, the swift passage of time ("Time flies, you say? Ah, no! Alas, Time stays - we go"), the fragility of life, the impermanence of all things. Hmmm. But then there's "Does a dog have Buddha nature? Mu!"
ReplyDeleteI love the comments posted about the flippant tone of this poem. The
ReplyDeleterepetition of the line "The art of losing isn't hard to master" does
feel like a brave yet casual masquerade. Bishop's theme and tone reminds
me of the Dylan song, "Most of the Time."
Most of the time
I'm clear focused all around,
Most of the time
I can keep both feet on the ground,
I can follow the path, I can read the signs,
Stay right with it, when the road unwinds,
I can handle whatever I stumble upon,
I don't even notice she's gone,
Most of the time.
Most of the time
It's well understood,
Most of the time
I wouldn't change it if I could,
I can't make it all match up, I can hold my own,
I can deal with the situation right down to the bone,
I can survive, I can endure
And I don't even think about her
Most of the time.
Most of the time
My head is on straight,
Most of the time
I'm strong enough not to hate.
I don't build up illusion 'till it makes me sick,
I ain't afraid of confusion no matter how thick
I can smile in the face of mankind.
Don't even remember what her lips felt like on mine
Most of the time.
Most of the time
She ain't even in my mind,
I wouldn't know her if I saw her
She's that far behind.
Most of the time
I can't even be sure
If she was ever with me
Or if I was with her.
Most of the time
I'm halfway content,
Most of the time
I know exactly where I went,
I don't cheat on myself, I don't run and hide,
Hide from the feelings, that are buried inside,
I don't compromise and I don't pretend,
I don't even care if I ever see her again
Most of the time.
Thanks for this site! Gardensoul aka Tom Spencer
Thanks for all the great comments. I can't tell when the most recent
ReplyDeletepost was, but mine is put her in February, 2006. I'm doing a study on
loss, having experienced a couple of losses of people recently. Reading
the posts is very helpful. Thanks for the comparison to the Dylan song.
I find it particularly art.
Have you noticed the obvious? She's talking about the art of losing, not
ReplyDeletethe art of winning. Why doesn't she want to win?
Lisa Galoci
THe Art of Losing is not a prescription for life; it is a poem. As such, it
ReplyDeleteis completely successful.
what ms. bishop is saying is that small things are not that big of a loss,
ReplyDeletewhen compared to losing someone. she in the masterful poem is trying to
convince herself that losing a dear one is no difference than losing say; car keys.
suffice it to say, though she tries to console herself with that thought, it
obviously (as seen in the last stanza) doesn't work.
ron sterzinger
If any of you have a dvd go to our local video place and rent the movie
ReplyDelete" In her shoes" In the middle of this film is a good description of
this poem. Please watch it.
ReplyDeleteI just read all the comment on Bishop's wonderful "One Art". I was
especially amazed to find Hacker's take on the poem, all the more so that it
happens that just this Sunday, I also wrote a Villanelle in Homage to "One
Art". Here it is if anyone is interested.
A Humble Homage to E.B., with thanks to Patrick
The villanelle's so hard an art to master.
I tried to win his heart through sonnets yet
my poor attempts did clearly spell disaster.
"One Art" had thrilled his soul so, aiming vaster,
I tracked her steps. Oh how could I forget?
the game of love's so hard an art to master:
faced with disdain, it's no use running faster.
A lover less naïve could safely bet
my poor attempts were sure to spell disaster.
Why thus gesticulate if but to bluster
a fully-flawed unwarranted duet?
Seduction is so hard an art to master.
Failing to learn the art of loss I muster
frail words around me and refuse to let
my poor attempts fall flat and spell disaster.
Where marble stood: a replica of plaster
and, as for love, I've but an empty net.
The villanelle's so hard an art to master:
my poor attempt could only spell disaster.
P.H. Lerlim, Nov 19 2006
She's saying that the "art" of losing isn't "hard" to master; it's
ReplyDeleteimpossible. If loss were easy, or possible, to master, then she'd write
about how losing was easy. Instead she writes about how it's "not"
difficult--repeating "not" over and over again. These repeated "nots"
signify the denial that she's affected by the loss of her lover.
The art of losing is impossible to master because it is, in fact, like
disaster. The fact that disaster makes up the last word of the poem
reinforces it. Like any good Shakespearean sonnet, the last lines give a
definitive reading. The art of losing looks like disaster because it is
disaster, but that's too hard to write and far too hard to acknowledge, so
what we have to put up with instead is a kind of surface flippancy, a
pretence that loss can be survived without any significant loss of self.
I admire Marilyn Hacker's response. But the reason that we need to treat the
art of living seriously is because it's valuable. Without the threat of
loss, we would have no need to value it. Elizabeth Bishop's poem admirably
dramatises that threat.
I love this poem and memorised it when I first learned it, ten years ago.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this poem! I read it years ago and then painted a
painting in 1997 called "The Art of Losing". (see attached file)
Yesterday, I sold the painting and the patron wanted to know about the
title and I could not remember author...just remembered a few lines. It
will mean alot to the new owners to know the poem too.
Thank you again.
Melanie Hickerson
We struggle for the ability to reflect on events without unraveling. We
ReplyDeletestare into the endless abyss of our loss, learning just how far we can meet
it with an even gaze before we are naked in our mourning. The disaster is
when we have lost ourselves in the darkness. Yet it seems in the darkest
places, something is there to see the absence of light. Perhaps even when we
are truly gone, there is something of us that remains to see that we are
Why 'write it!'? Because writing something down is a means to convince
ReplyDeleteyourself. It may look like disaster, write it down, LOOK LIKE, but it isn't,
it isn't, it just looks like disaster.
But of course, it is disaster, it is, it is, it is. The fact that she uses
the powerful (over the top?) word 'disaster' shows how enormous the loss of
a loved one can be, and how different from all the other losses mentioned
bishop, hopkins, chinese classics... good taste!
ReplyDeletedo you like pound, eliot, sappho, tu fu?
my name is ana
Maybe it's my age but I read differently into this piquant (is that the word?) poem. I see it as a wry (and very touching) poem about facing personal tragedy with honesty.
ReplyDeleteTo me, it's about someone who is experiencing the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. At first, you learn to lose little things and you get upset but life goes on. Then you find you are losing more important things. Slowly, you realize that you're going to keep on losing things and you can't do anything about it anyway, so you have to accept it.
Then, she continues, your memories of your past experiences are lost. And, ultimately, you experience the biggest loss of all, your "Self" that you have learned to be (the joking voice, the gestures) that you thought "belong" to you since you created them and experienced them through all the stages of life.
What she is saying is that she knows that she be experiencing this biggest loss of all.
She's not going down without a fight, even if she has to write everything down in order to remember.
Anyway, that's my interpretation.
The author of this poem appears to have experienced a loss so profound that
ReplyDeleteshe is forced to continuously remind herself that she can recover from the
loss. In order to lessen the pain, she compares her loss items she has lost
in the past, such as keys and watches. She later goes on to recollect, to a
greater extent, her coping with the loss of houses and even a beloved
hometown or country. The loss for the author is so deep that she
continuously reminds herself that she can master her loss and not the
opposite. As she grow maudlin and recalls the memory of her friend she lost,
you can image she is getting more and more sad. When she says the words,
"Write it," she is convincing her that this loss is not a disaster (despite
the fact that she feels that way) by almost forcing herself to write the
words, and she tells herself she can survive this loss. Imagine a woman
starting off by saying "Yeah, I've lost my keys, and I've lost a watch - no
big deal. I even lost 3 homes and may never see my home country again. I
survived." Later, as her sadness grows deeper because of her memories, she
finally tells herself, "So, if you made it through all that, you can survive
this interminable pain you feel now."
June 2007. The Art of Losing Isn't Hard to Master. I'm watching my marriage fall apart. It's been going on for some time and we're getting closer and closer. Last week we divided our belongings - on paper. This week we are communicating only by email - even through we are in the same house. I know all too well what my contributions to the problem have been. I know all too well what I must change in order to avoid the final fall. I am AWARE. And yet..... And Yet. Awareness isn't enough. Awareness in itself doesn't correct my course of action. Awareness in itself doesn't make me a person whom my wife wants to continue to be with. I still have to TAKE ACTION. I can be aware and still watch myself make all the same time-worn mistakes and missteps that I've been making all along. Watch myself as if watching someone else do exactly the wrong thing - and screaming at them "nooooo don't do it!".
ReplyDeleteThis is the art of losing. To know that you are losing. To desire not to lose. To know what must happen in order not to lose. But to continue to lose anyway. It is an Art, and it is a Tragedy. And Ms. Bishop is correct -- It's not hard to master.
Loosing, per se, may not be a disaster
ReplyDeleteWhen it is not your life or your soul you loose in the matter
But the art of loosing
Which you may not even have to try to master
Can be a disaster
Until you get to realize how well this art of loosing you master
Bishops poem is wonderful. Note that this is about the loss of her
ReplyDelete(female) lover that she had when she lived in Brazil. This is, as
someone pointed out, a villanelle, hence the repetition. And finally,
the poetry in the last few lines in extraordinary. You'll notice that
the rhythm is beautifully choked up...lots of glottal stops,
signifying that she's trying to hold back the tears and is having
trouble controlling her speech. You'll also want to know that she is
from New England, and, god bless them, women from that area tend to
refrain from showing their emotions. Doesn't it make for much deeper,
evocative poetry?
What got from this was that she was writing to convince herself that losing
ReplyDeletea loved one (the one with the joking voice) isn't so bad... But really you
get to the last stanza and you see that though she is trying she can't convince
herself... And she says (Write it!) to herself so she can admit that maybe
she is wrong and that her loss is harder than she would have thought.
ReplyDeleteI came across this beautiful villanelle in an equally beautiful movie
called 'In Her Shoes'.
'In Her Shoes' is a movie about two sisters with nothings in common
other than their shoes size.
In the movie, Maggie (Cameron Diaz) the flighty of the sisters, reads
'One Art' to a blind old patient (a one-time english professor who
realises the girl is suffering from dyslexia and intent to help her
overcome by making her read).
I found the poetry really lovely and true then, but never thought, I
would live in each line someday.
By the opening lines the poetry may appear something
gloomy/bemoaning/giving up. (and few readers still prefer to argues)
On the contrary it is rather a very encouraging poetry which will give
one a reason to be practical and to carry on.
Bishops started with
The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
She is right! how hard one try and how careful one is, certain things
are bound to be lost, someday.
In her second, third and forth tercets she went on explaining small
small losses like loss of door key / badly spent time / places / names /
loved houses and a very pertinent one (mother's watch) sure you would
have done it ! in your childhood.
She repeated asserts herself "art of losing is no hard to master" tells
to prepare for and accept losses.
Losses come in various forms, from badly spent time to losing your
Of all the most beautiful is the last quatrain,
---Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
The use of the word like "Even", "i shan't have lied", "evident",
"writes it!" et. al. tells that this is the major loss that she has been
preparing to overcome.
---Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) ,
- must be a very close one
I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
- maybe she would have had lost all hope before
(Write it!)
- now she is firm that she would live through, but she misses (???) and
still carries the pain.
The poetry is beautiful and true 'you may live through'
but no ! "The art of losing is hard to master"
Haridev Ngangbam
Good one
Is this the Margaret Shank who lived in DC and belonged to WIW years
ReplyDeleteago? If so, please let me know!
Ruth E. "I can write about anything!" (TM) Thaler-Carter*
Author/Publisher, "Get Paid to Write! Getting Started as a Freelance
Co-owner, Communication Central (
Newsletter Editor, national EFA, Assn. for Women in Communications-
The art of loosing..well ryhmed , hidden yet felt music.Even though the
ReplyDeletesubject matter is may seem childish ,the content made it wisdom .
Material things are never lost but misplaced ,one may run into them at a
point .The spiritual losses are eternal ..Here one need to be an arist
to overcome the resulted empitiness .
One Art.
ReplyDeleteHad I read this poem thirty years ago, I would have had a much different take
on it, than I have since losing loves and places. It is beautifully written
to reflect the art of losing, but to me, they are all devastating. I feel a
connectedness to Elizabeth Bishop because of this poem. I have printed it
out to be read at my funeral......hopefully not for many many years to come.
Susan Clark
Madison, CT
I think a lot of people who have commented on this poem saying that it sounds flippant have lost out on the poem's true meaning. Although she says the art of losing isn't so hard to master the tone of the poem if you observe is one of denial Its like she's trying to convince herself that she's okay with the loss and doesn't care about the things she's lost when in fact the very opposite of that is true. Observe the last few lines of the poem, its like she's trying extra hard to sound careless about the loss of that special someone in her life when in reality the loss has been eating her from inside.
ReplyDeleteI came across this poem in the movie 'in her shoes', loved it.
ReplyDeleteLosing isn't hard to master, because the one fact is we have no control over it, especially when it concerns people or something as simple as a flower, they eventually fade away leaving us with nothing but pain even though we may try to deny that pain.
Philip F Tariang.
The poem is certainly not flippant.
ReplyDeleteat the end you see that she is convincing herself to write that the art of lossing is not hard to master although it may seem like a disaster. She believes it is a disaster.
"(...) It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster."
It's interesting the way she tries to convince herself that even the big losses of her life were not hard to master. I don't think it's only about the "joking voice" (a lover? a friend?), although this is certainly the greatest loss. It is also about losing cities and houses she has loved.
ReplyDeleteIt is like she has lost the idea of a "home", and that's deep, and sad, and hurts. Still, she is right: losing whatever you lose is not hard to master compared to a broken heart.
By the way: beautiful poems you have made, I printed them all.
Hi Ruth, if you ever stop by here again (well, I have) --
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not that Margaret Shank. I was born in Bethesda Naval Hospital, but I've lived almost alll my life in California.
Dear Rick,
ReplyDeleteThe poem as I see it is a protective rationalization against our existence. Loosing the tangible (and in the case of spirituality - intangible) possessions we carry is but a part of life, but furthermore it is important to realize that coping with such loses is the part of our existence that is necessary. Elizabeth Bishop is doing just that in this poem. She is rationalizing and adapting to a loss. The protective part of her rationalization is taking place in the concept that her loss 'is not a disaster'. She speaks of colossal losses as if there nothing, only as a means to cope. Being depressed after all is illogical. Biologically speaking, emotions only exist as a means to ensure our existence as a species. However the concept of being depressed can be overcome by rational thought, and it is that nature that makes us the dominant species. Also keep in mind that this was Elizabeth's way of venting her issues, but again that was just her logic finding a means to overcome her emotions.
Hope you like my opinion!!!!
Kindest regards,
Mina Hanna
Perhaps it is commonplace to observe that the villanelle, with its rigid structure, tight rhyme scheme and recurrent repetitious lines might be easier to accomplish in its native tongue, French. Elizabeth Bishop’s “one art” is that she has succeeded so magnificently in English.
ReplyDeleteAs one might expect, when the first and third lines are to be repeated alternately in each of the other stanzas, all of the villanelles I’ve read in English tend to circularity. Ms. Bishop’s poem has movement, found nowhere else. Her content is moving from inconsequential to sublime, her mood is moving from carefree to sober and the passion or intensity from free to, well, disaster.
This movement is accompanied by, and to some extent accomplished by, her freedom with the form, inasmuch as she disregards the requirement of the form that the third line be repeated exactly and regularly throughout the poem. And as she gets wound up, so do her rhymes: I loved “my last, or” to rhyme with master and disaster and she takes some license to rhyme those two words with “gesture”. She also she takes some liberties with the rhythm. But then license is what poetry is all about.
The poem is a mirror for Elizabeth Bishop’s life: She had many losses starting with her parents at an early age and leading to many intense loves. She moved from house to house, city to city, continent to continent and from loves to loves.
Would it surprise you to learn that the Vassar Library, which has the bulk of Elizabeth Bishop's papers, has 17 drafts of this poem?
Rick: get a clue.
ReplyDeleteNot sure how some people are missing the depth of this poem. It is not flippant, you are missing the point. Read it again.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anonymous of August 30th. Rick really hasn't got a clue - the whole point is that loss happens and even though you try to recover, there are things and people we all lose that will, for all of us in one way or another, be disaster. I too have lost - a child twenty years ago, whose loss is still DISASTER!!
ReplyDeleteremind me of the memory remains to meatllica
ReplyDeletereally? everybody has such hi falutin' explanations for the last line. i think (Write it!) - the physical act of writing - makes it look like disaster. Because what is a truer representation of a disaster - different things to different people - than the name we have chosen to give it, the actual word. so in spelling it out - disaster, the word, will always looks like disaster. and of course, her symbolic pun is intended.
ReplyDeletethis poem still smacks of melancholy which is the lost void of poetic hearts. When loss is truely mastered there is joy, not pain
ReplyDeleteI encountered this poem first in sung form, actually. I recommend that song: "Art of Losing" from the album Dizzy Spells by The Ex. They're a Dutch anarchist post-punk / experimental rock group.
ReplyDeletewhy his name is bishop
ReplyDeleteIn “One Art,” Bishop uses the poem to give form to her thoughts on loss. Throughout much of the poem, her voice is flippant about the ease of which things get lost, things ranging from keys to time. In the fourth stanza, however, as she notes that she lost her mother's watch and a loved house, she sounds less willing to accept the loss. In the fifth, she says that losing two cities and an entire continent still was not a disaster, although such losses sound enormous. The last stanza is often taken to refer to the suicide of Bishop's lover, the “you” the poem says she has lost. However, when the poem says that this shows that the art of losing is “not too hard to master,” her understatement suggests the opposite, as the poem concludes that the loss “may look like (Write it!) like disaster.” The enthusiastic “Write it!” shows one way to cope with disastrous losses; through art.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first looked at the title of the poem, I figured it be strongly referred to art and art only. On the contrast, it was sorrowful and meaningful. The main meaning is loss, although multiple subjects were referred back to it. I'd like to thing the author created art with this poem itself. By intaking each stanza, the reader could create a vivid image in their mind. As for an artist, like myself, I could paint so many scenes from this one poem. In addition to that statement, this also means there are multiple ways to interpret this poem. Bishop approaches this subject with composure and eloquence; it certainly doesn't lean toward the positive side, but neither does it lean to pure negativity. "One Art" makes the factor of loss sound more acceptable, pointing out it's naturalness.
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I don't think she is talking about her lover. Her girlfriend was Lota, who commited sucied in 1967.
ReplyDeleteShe had a best friend called Marianne Moore which died in 1977. I think the poem is about her (she is talking about missing the joking voice she loved, i think that referes to a verry strong friendship).
Or maybe it's about both.
She was in a depression during this time and she thought that nobody loved her anymore cause she had lost the last person on earth who loved her
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the art of loosing is not hard to master it is difficult to let go yet once death arrives there is nothing left but resignation.
ReplyDeleteGreat post one art elizabeth bishop.
ReplyDeletea lot of you guys are dumbasses. Im in high school and I understand that Bishop is writing this as a way to make herself deal with the loss of her lover (the joking voice... belongs to a person) Shes not saying "oh man losing stuffs so easy!" shes saying that we all lose things all the time whether or not we try and shes trying to comfort herself by saying that its not the end of the world. By doing this form of poem she is forcing herself to face the situation as it is at the end. when she says "write it" shes pushing herself to complete the poem and accept her loss. (durrr)
ReplyDeleteRick... ur an effing moron... angel who commented after... all i have to say is "wait whaaaattt?! im a dumbass who doesnt understand anything because i think its cool to be dumb when really everyone wants to strangle meee! haha waaaahhhh!"<--- thats you. go away. if you dont understand poetry either take an english class and dont sleep with the teacher to pass or just stop. just. just stop. go away. give up. dont even bother reading poetry anymore. just. just stop.
ReplyDeleteWrite it at the end is a command to the reader to substitute a word for disaster, i.e., what it feels like to you the reader to lose something.
ReplyDeleteThe poem is about how inescapable loss is in life. If you think about it, one loses virtually everything -- each place, each stage of life, each relationship, life itself. Loss is inescapable. The poem is suggesting by the description that losing is an "art" that one has a choice how to react to the loss. Needless to say in the short run there is pain (disaster), but in the long run? Perhaps a different choice can be made relative to the loss. Perhaps indifference for trivial losses, or even gratitude for more serious ones.
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ReplyDeleteشات سوالفنا
ReplyDeleteشات ولايف
شارژ مستقیم ایرانسل
ReplyDeleteپنل اس ام اس
دانلود اهنگ جدید
پنل اس ام اس
پنل تلگرام
سامانه پيامک
فروش شارژ
خريد شارژ
دانلود آهنگ سامان جلیلی
سایت تفریحی
ReplyDeleteاس ام اس
اس ام اس عاشقانه
اس ام اس تولد
عکس جدید
عکس بازیگران زن
عکس بازیگران مرد
عکس های خنده دار
مدل کفش مردانه
مدل مانتو
مکان های تفریحی ایران
دانلود سریال شهرزاد قسمت شانزدهم
ایرج مهدیان
دانلود آهنگ یاشار خسروی
دانلود آلبوم علی سورنا به نام نگار
ReplyDeleteمجال نقل الاثاث والعفش مجال صعب للغاية وشاقومتعب ولابد من التجهيز والتفكير والقرار فى تلك العملية واختيار شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة كبيرة على قدر المسئولية وشركة له صلاحيات فى التعامل مع تلك الظروف اولا لابد من اختيار شركة تحافظ على اثاث منزلك
فا اصبح الاختيار صعب للغاية لكثرة تلك الشركات فى الاسواق وتنافسه بعضها للبعض ولكن تبقى الاقدميه لدى شركة فتعد الاوائل فى تلك الفترة الافضل والاشهر والتى لو تم اختيارك به ستكون مرتاح نفسيا وموهل نفسيا وموهل للوصول الى درجة بيرة من الرضاء فى عمليةنقل اثاث نقل العفش من بيت الى بيت او من حى الى حى
ReplyDeleteمجال نقل الاثاث والعفش مجال صعب للغاية وشاقومتعب ولابد من التجهيز والتفكير والقرار فى تلك العملية واختيار شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة كبيرة على قدر المسئولية وشركة له صلاحيات فى التعامل مع تلك الظروف اولا لابد من اختيار شركة تحافظ على اثاث منزلك
فا اصبح الاختيار صعب للغاية لكثرة تلك الشركات فى الاسواق وتنافسه بعضها للبعض ولكن تبقى الاقدميه لدى شركة فتعد الاوائل فى تلك الفترة الافضل والاشهر والتى لو تم اختيارك به ستكون مرتاح نفسيا وموهل نفسيا وموهل للوصول الى درجة بيرة من الرضاء فى عمليةنقل اثاث نقل العفش من بيت الى بيت او من حى الى حى
عزيزى العميل لاتترد بالتواصل مع مندوب الشركة لحجز مقعد فهى الشركة الوحيدة التى تعمل فى اى وقت من السنة وتعمل فى اى لحظة حسب طلب العميل وحسب رغبتها كل ما يهمنا هو رضاء العميل تمام الرضا بالخدمة وبكل جوانبه ويوجد داخل الاوائل فنى يعد امهر فنيون الشرق الاوسط وايضا سيارت الشركة مقفلة وعمالة الشركة مزيح من العمالة المصرية والفلبنية اتصل نصل
I like all of the points you have made.
ReplyDeleteسعودي انحراف
سعودي انحراف 17
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متصفح كروم الجديد
ReplyDeleteفاير فوكس 2018
جوجل بلاي 2018
لعبة صب واى
افضل شركة رش مبيدات بتبوك
ReplyDeleteفى فصل الصيف عادة او ما قبل فصل الصيف نقوم برش المبيدات الحشرية فى بيوتنا وساحاتنا وفى الحدائق الخاصة بمنازلنا ولكن ليس فقط فى فصل الصيف ولكن على مدار العام نرش المبيدات الحشرية . حيث أننا اصبحنا فى وقت نلجأ فيه الى
رش المبيدات الحشرية والزراعية تقريبا فى جميع اوقات العام وليس فى وقت معين فقط من العام مثل ما كان متبع فى الماضى .
وبهذا الصدد شركة مكافحة حشرات بتبوك تمتلك الخبراء والاستشاريين فى مجال رش المبيدات الحشرية والافات الزراعية الذين يتمتعون بأحسن وافضل المهارات والخبرات العلمية وليست العملية فقط .
شركة رش بتبوك
ومن المتعارف علية ان لابد على العاملين فى مجال رش المبيدات ان يتمتعو بالخبرات العملية الكبيرة فى التعامل مع كل حالات رش المبيدات الحشرية والافات الزراعية سواء فى المنازل او الفلل والحدائق الخاصة والعامة وكذلك المكاتب الادارية والشركات ومصانع الاغذية بكافة انواعها والبساتين والمشاتل .
لكن فى يومنا هذا وفى ظل التقدم والتطور العلمى الهائل فى مجال رش المبيدات ومكافحة الحشرات فنحن فى
شركة رش مبيدات بتبوك
نتمتع ونمتلك الكثير من الخبرات العلمية الهائلة بفضل من الله وحده ثم بفضل الكثير من الدراسات والابحاث فى مجال رش المبيدات ومكافحة الحشرات المنزلية والافات الزراعية .
نحن ايضا نمتلك فى
شركة رش مبيدات بتبوك
أخصائيين إبادة الحشرات حاصلين على شهادات معتمدة وموثقة من وزارة الصحة ووزارة حماية البيئة وتشهد بهم كلتا الوزارتين .
ومن المتعارف علية أن أشهر الصيف الحامية تكثر وتزداد فيها الحشرات بجميع انواعها وفى فصول الخريف والشتاء تقل احيانا بنسبة ليست بالكبيرة ولكن تظل موجودة .
pest article
ReplyDeletepest article
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ReplyDeleteليس مهمـاً للغاية أن يكون ثمن السيراميك أو الرخام أو البورسلان غالياً ...الأهم هو إختيار ما يناسبك ويتفق مع باقي أثاث البيت وأيضاً المساحة لا تشكل عائقاً - يساعدكـ أحياناً إختيار لون السيراميك والشكل يعطي إحساساً بإتساع مساحة البيت مهما كان صغيراً.
ReplyDeleteارقام مبلطين بالرياض
مبلطين بالرياض
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مبلط سيراميك بالرياض
ReplyDeleteنقل عفش
نقل اثاث
شركه نقل اثاث بالرياض
مؤسسة الزهراني-نحن مؤسسة رائدة ومتميزة في مجال المقاولات العامة شعارنا الجودة في البناء ومواكبة التطور في تقنيات البناء
ReplyDeleteمن خدماتنا :
- بناء عظم ( مع المواد و مصنعية )
- بناء تسليم مفتاح
- تشطيب
- تطوير للعقار القديم بشكل كامل ( هدم وبناء ، أو ترميم واستصلاح )
_بناءملاحق_بناء مجالس_بناء غرف_بناء أحواش
_ترميم وصيانة البيوت _دهانات_ديكورات
انشاء - هدم - ترميم - تشطيب - صيانة
فلل / قصور / ملاحق / مساجد / هناغر مسابح / مجمعات / تجارية / اسوار استراحات / مجالس / مشبات
تعديلات اضافة غرف وتوسعة
ا انشاء فلل عمائر استراحات شاليهات ملاحق ارضيه ملاحق علوي مسابح خزانات مساجد هناجر اسوار مجالس خيم ارتدادات بالمواد او عمل يد
جميع الأعمال تحت إشراف هندسي
للتواصل أبو محمد
مؤسسة الزهراني للمقاولات
مؤسسة الزهراني-نحن مؤسسة رائدة ومتميزة في مجال المقاولات العامة شعارنا الجودة في البناء ومواكبة التطور في تقنيات البناء
ReplyDeleteمن خدماتنا :
- بناء عظم ( مع المواد و مصنعية )
- بناء تسليم مفتاح
- تشطيب
- تطوير للعقار القديم بشكل كامل ( هدم وبناء ، أو ترميم واستصلاح )
_بناءملاحق_بناء مجالس_بناء غرف_بناء أحواش
_ترميم وصيانة البيوت _دهانات_ديكورات
انشاء - هدم - ترميم - تشطيب - صيانة
فلل / قصور / ملاحق / مساجد / هناغر مسابح / مجمعات / تجارية / اسوار استراحات / مجالس / مشبات
تعديلات اضافة غرف وتوسعة
ا انشاء فلل عمائر استراحات شاليهات ملاحق ارضيه ملاحق علوي مسابح خزانات مساجد هناجر اسوار مجالس خيم ارتدادات بالمواد او عمل يد
جميع الأعمال تحت إشراف هندسي
للتواصل أبو محمد
مؤسسة الزهراني للمقاولات
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ReplyDeleteما هي خدمة "تحسين محركات البحث" - SEO ؟
كلمة SEO هي إختصاراً لـ Search Engine Optimization ومعناها الحرفي هو تحسين محركات البحث، أما تعريفها التقني فهي عملية تحسين وتطوير أرشفة المواقع على الإنترنت من أجل زيادة عدد الزيارات عن طريق محركات البحث. وهناك عدة جوانب للسيو، بدءاً من المحتوى الفريد والحصري لموقعك إنتهاءاً بعدد الروابط التي تشير لموقعك من مواقع آخرى على الإنترنت وعليك أن تعرف أن هذه التقنية ليست عن كيفية ظهور موقعك لمحركات البحث فقط، بل لزوار موقعك أيضاً.
خدمة السيو والارشفة وتهيئة مدونتك او موقعك لمحركات البحث
اذا كان موقعك بلوجر او ووردبريس خدمة تهيئة المواقع لمحركات البحث لزيادة فرص ظهور موقعك في الصفحات الاولي
تنبيه / فحص موقعك مجانا
تنبيه / المدة و السعر يختلف بناء على احتياج الموقع
ما أقوم بعمله الأتي :
- ضبط الأسم والوصف والكلمات المفتاحية المتعلقة بمدونتك او موقعك داخل الميتا تاج
- عمل باك لينكس - مسك كلمات
- عمل وصف للموقع بالكلمات الافتتاحية المختارة Description Tag
- إعداد خريطة الموقع sitemap وتقديمها لأدوات مشرفي المواقع بشكل سليم
- ارسال روابط مدونتك لجوجل لجعل عناكب محركات البحث بشكل يدوي لتسريع الارشفة
- تحديد وتصنيف واضافة محتوى الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالموقع Meta Keywords
- انشاء ملف ال Robots.TXT الذي يتوافق بشكل كامل مع محركات البحث وال SEO
- اضافة يدوية للموقع فى كل محركات البحث للتأكد تفعيل الارشفة بشكل نهائى
خبير سيو
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Great post! Interesting information and cute writing style
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من أفضل المقالات على الإطلاق صراحة تستحق التعمق أكثر واكثر لقد سعدت بقراءة مقالك وانا فخور بك وبما تقدمه في مدونتك ف انت مثال للمدونات العربية التي تقدم محتوي مفيد
ReplyDeleteمسك كلمات في جوجل
مقابر للبيع بمحافظة القاهرة
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تسويق عبر الفيديو
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مدافن للبيع
خبير سيو
ReplyDeleteمن أفضل المقالات على الإطلاق صراحة تستحق التعمق أكثر واكثر لقد سعدت بقراءة مقالك وانا فخور بك وبما تقدمه في مدونتك ف انت مثال للمدونات العربية التي تقدم محتوي مفيد
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مدافن للبيع
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ReplyDeleteليس من الضروري تنظيف منزلك كل يوم ، ولكن يزداد عدد مرات تنظيف منزلك بشكل ملحوظ عندما يمرض شخص واحد. يعد وضع كل من هذه الأسطح التي يتم لمسها بشكل شائع على قوائم التنظيف الخاصة بك في المنزل أمرًا مهمًا لمكافحة الأمراض والعدوى. إذا جعلت مسح هذه الأسطح ممارسة يومية ، فسترى سريعًا كيف أن تنظيف المنزل هو إحدى الخطوات الأولى للتغلب على المرض.
عندما تبدأ في تنظيف منزلك وتنظيمه ، من المهم استهداف مناطق معينة يتم التطرق إليها بشكل شائع. باستخدام منتجات التنظيف المنزلية المضادة للبكتيريا ، قم بتطهير جميع مقابض الأبواب والحنفيات ومفاتيح الإضاءة وأجهزة التحكم عن بُعد وأسطح الطاولات والكراسي الصلبة. تأكد من استخدام منتجات التنظيف المنزلية المطهرة في جميع أنحاء الحمامات والمطبخ.
شركة تنظيف بجازان
يتسخ أثاث غرفة المعيشة بسرعة ، ومن وقت لآخر قد تلاحظ بقعة لونية تركها طفلك على الأريكة ، أو بقايا الطعام ، أو بقعة قهوة أو شاي تحتاج إلى معرفة كيفية تنظيف الأريكة من البقع الصعبة دون أن تفقد لمعانها خاصة أنه لا توجد طريقة موحدة لتنظيف جميع أنواع الأرائك
إذا كانت الأريكة الخاصة بك ملطخة ، فلديك مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات لتنظيفها ، اعتمادًا على نوع القماش والبقعة. ابدأ بالرجوع إلى علامة العناية الخاصة برمز التنظيف ، والتي ستخبرك بالمنتجات والمنظفات الآمنة للاستخدام على هذا القماش المعين. بمجرد أن تعرف ذلك ، يمكنك المتابعة باستخدام منظف مائي أو مذيب للتنظيف الجاف
لتنظيف البقع على قماش التنجيد ، يمكنك خلط ربع كوب من الخل مع ثلاثة أرباع أكواب من الماء الدافئ وملعقة كبيرة من سائل غسيل الأطباق ، ثم رش الخليط على الزجاجة ورشها على التربة ، ثم امسح بقطعة قماش حتى تختفي البقعة ، ثم استخدم قطعة قماش أخرى مبللة بالماء ، امسح الصابون في نفس المنطقة ، ثم جفف المنشفة بقطعة القماش.
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