The Poetics of Desire -- Rina Singh

Guest poem sent in by P. G. Murthy
(Poem #642) The Poetics of Desire
 Throw away your papers tonight
 put aside your pen
 let your fingers
 write on my body,
 an empty page
 a word,
 a sentence,
 write a poem
 if your syntax hurts my skin
 if I sigh, if I moan
 just tighten your embrace
 if your fingers stammer
 dip them in darkness
 and start again
 fill up my margins
 suffocate me with your grammar
 proofread the madness
 you have created
 erase with your lips
 any mistakes
 your fingers make
 read to me
 what you have written
 see the pages of my life
 come alive
 in your fingers
-- Rina Singh
Reading this poem one feels the words changing to music much like the
run of the fingers on piano keys. A beautiful poem where the poet
invites the reader, as it were, to leave alone the unidimensional
monochromatic world of words and move over to the speechless reality of
existence where life vibrates in truth and beauty. The poet asks the
reader to abandon language and words as the vehicle of communication and
get on with life and living.

Rina Singh is M.A. in Creative Writing an a teacher in Canada.

- P. G. Murthy


There's a short biography at [broken link]


  1. Great poem. It sounds like something straight out of Peter Greenaway's
    movie _The Pillow Book_, which is based on - but greatly extends the
    visual, aural and tactile (or should I just say, sensual) meaning of -
    the Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon. It's about a woman seeking to find the
    perfect lover-calligrapher to write poetry and stories on her body.

    A movie about sex and calligraphy - how could it go wrong? About the
    relation of the visual and tactile aspects of writing to the meaning of
    the words written (and of course in Japanese poetry the appearance is
    highly important to the quality of the poem). The movie screen is
    frequently framed as if it were a traditional Japanese book; at the same
    time, since so much of it concentrates on writing on living skin, people
    become paper, or indeed they become books.

    With that background I take the present poem at first more nearly at
    face value, more nearly with its literal meanings, than is probably
    normal or expected. But it holds up, at least the way I think of words
    and poetry; all the best poems remain powerful when looked at from many
    different angles and approached in many different frames of mind.

    So I must disagree with the comments of P.G. Murthy: I would say that
    getting on with life and living can embrace the words of poetry, be
    enhanced by them, and be fulfilled in part through them. The poem itself
    shows that the world of words is anything but monochromatic and
    unsensual, and that in living as a sensual creature the reader need not
    abandon words any more than the poet has, but should rather sing words
    into flesh and move the body in a dance which becomes poetry.

    Reed C Bowman

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