(Poem #1141) I So Liked Spring I so liked Spring last year Because you were here; -- The thrushes too -- Because it was these you so liked to hear -- I so liked you. This year's a different thing, -- I'll not think of you. But I'll like Spring because it is simply Spring As the thrushes do. |
One of the things I enjoy about love poetry is the thousand subtle variations played upon every theme, the appeal to universal emotions and experiences that manage to be at once common to every poem and different in each one of them. Today's poem is, indeed, combined out of several common themes and elements. Where its beauty lies is in the delicate arrangement of those elements, the simple but precise combination of images and the way they blend into a complete poem. Even the rather faltering metre and phrasing are a deliberate and carefully crafted effect, echoing the narrator's 'simple' outlook - as Shine Kannikkatt put it in his comment to Poem #1084, there is a 'vulnerability' evident in this and others like Teasdale's works [...] poems which remind us of the preciousness of life / small things which does have big impacts and 'longing' etc. that definitely adds to the poem's appeal. martin Links: Biography: [broken link] http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/poetry/charlotte_mew.shtml http://www.sappho.com/poetry/c_mew.html Minstrels Links: Poem #315: Hilaire Belloc, 'Juliet' Poem #430: Sara Teasdale, 'Wild Asters'
11 comments: ( or Leave a comment )
what a short but powerful poem by Charlotte Mew, a poet I have not read a lot, but the few poems I have read are like this one, based on a lover or an ex-lover and here lies the value of his poetry
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