On the Porch -- Michael Ondaatje

Guest poem submitted by Nandini Chandra:
(Poem #1864) On the Porch
 On the porch
 thin ceramic

        Ride wind
 off the Pacific

 bells of the sea

        I do not know
 the name of large orange flowers
 which thrive on salt air
 lean half drunk
 against the steps

 Untidy banana trees
 thick moss on the cliff
 and then the plunge
 to black volcanic shore

 It is impossible to enter the sea here
 except in a violent way

      How we have moved
 from thin ceramic

 to such destruction
-- Michael Ondaatje
 One of several poems under the collective title "Tin Roof".
 Published in "The Cinnamon Peeler: Selected Poems by Michael Ondaatje".
 Picador, 1989, p.110.

Not your classic sea poem, but what I like precisely is its deceptive
desultory saunter from the chimes and large orange flowers etc. to the
sudden heart of the matter. There is a narrative thrill in the descent, an
inevitability to the acknowledgement that there is a certain demand for
violence, which is not without its disturbing gratification.

Nandini Chandra.


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