A Southern Girl -- Samuel Minturn Peck

(Poem #1884) A Southern Girl
 Her dimpled cheeks are pale;
 She's a lily of the vale,
       Not a rose.
 In a muslin or a lawn
 She is fairer than the dawn
       To her beaux.

 Her boots are slim and neat, --
 She is vain about her feet,
       It is said.
 She amputates her r's,
 But her eyes are like the stars

 On a balcony at night,
 With a fleecy cloud of white
       Round her hair --
 Her grace, ah, who could paint?
 She would fascinate a saint,
       I declare.

 'Tis a matter of regret,
 She's a bit of a coquette,
       Whom I sing:
 On her cruel path she goes
 With a half a dozen beaux
       To her string.

 But let all that pass by,
 As her maiden moments fly,
 When she marries, on my life,
 She will make the dearest wife
       In the world.
-- Samuel Minturn Peck
Note: lawn: A light cotton or linen fabric of very fine weave.
  [Middle English laun, after Laon, a city of northern France.]

This is a delightfully lighthearted poem, one that kept me smiling
throughout at its sheer, brazen refusal to take either itself or its
subject seriously. Furthermore (apart from the wonderful "half a dozen beaux
to her string" pun, and the reference to "amputated" 'r's) the humour seems
to lie almost entirely in the tone of the poem - no mean feat, considering
how many works of this sort either slip into a more heavy-handed sort of
mockery, or go the more "explicit humour" route.

Note, also, the wonderfully lilting rhythm of the poem - something that drew
me in from the first verse, even before I noticed Peck's gentle humour.
Again, it takes an excellent ear and a very deft touch to keep the poem from
being annoyingly sing-song. All in all, it was just enjoyable to read a poem
clearly written for the sheer fun of writing poetry, but written nonetheless
with excellent attention paid to style and detail.


  There is a brief biography here:
    [broken link] http://www.pddoc.com/poems/#peck


  1. Samuel M. Peck is one of my most favourite poets.
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