What Any Lover Learns -- Archibald MacLeish

Guest poem submitted by Sanket:
(Poem #1886) What Any Lover Learns
Water is heavy silver over stone.
Water is heavy silver over stone's
Refusal. It does not fall. It fills. It flows
Every crevice, every fault of the stone,
Every hollow. River does not run.
River presses its heavy silver self
Down into stone and stone refuses.

                                    What runs,
Swirling and leaping into sun, is stone's
Refusal of the river, not the river.
-- Archibald MacLeish
Archibald MacLeish, American poet, playwright and speech-writer for F.
D. Roosevelt, wrote in his Ars Poetica, "A poem should not mean / But
be". This poem is calm and insightful, like a dispassionate observation.
It is interestingly titled "What Any Lover Learns".

The motion described happens not by the water but by the bedrock.



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