Away With Rum -- Theodore Bikel

Guest poem sent in by Vivian
(Poem #1916) Away With Rum
 We're coming we're coming. Our brave little band
 On the right side of temperance we now take our stand.
 We don't use tobacco because we do think
 That the people who do so are likely to drink.

  Away, away, with rum, by gum,
  With rum, by gum, with rum, by gum,
  Away, away, with rum, by gum,
  The song of the Salvation Army.

 We never eat cookies because they have yeast
 And one little bite makes a man like a beast.
 Oh, can you imagine a sadder disgrace,
 Than a man in the gutter with crumbs in his face?


 We never eat fruitcake because it has rum,
 And one little slice puts a man on the bum.
 Oh, can you imagine a sorrier sight,
 Than a man eating fruitcake until he gets tight?

-- Theodore Bikel
Franklin P. Adams' "Prohibition" inevitably brought this to mind. Here, the
song tweaks the temperance movement (there are versions with "Temperance
Union" rather than "Salvation Army") for going to intemperate extremes, but
the underlying message is that anything that seems like a pretty good idea
in the first place (in the specific case, immoderate consumption of alcohol
can lead to disastrous results) when taken to its logical extremes can be
absurd and even violent.

When I first learned this song, I understood the words to the chorus as
"Away, away with rum, buy gum" (rather than "by gum"), possible because we
sang the final chorus as:

  Away, away with gum, buy rum
  With gum, buy rum, with gum, buy rum,
  Away, away with gum, buy rum,
  The salvation song of the army."

Which brings me to the next point: Like many folk songs, this is a kind of
oral poetry that gives license to its "users" to invent verses and
variations of their own. A collection of these - some of them quite funny -
can be seen at



The guitar chords are here:

  Austrian-born character actor, folk singer and musician (1924-)

Bikel's website:


  1. Dear Martin, Thomas and Sitaram,

    And a catchy little ditty it is, but in Canada far better known with the lyrics "North Atlantic Squadron," a product of the Royal Canadian Navy. Alas, its lyrics are so filthy (though hilarious) that I forbear to quote them -- any of its eighty-plus verses.


  2. Sing a song of Europe, highly civilized,
    Four and twenty nations wholly hypnotised,
    When the battle opens, the bullets start to sing –
    Isn't it a silly way to act for any King?

    The Kings are in the background, issuing commands,
    The Queens are in the parlours, per etiquette's demand;
    The bankers in the country house are busy multiplying
    The common people at the front are doing all the dying.

    In his comments on the last poem, Vivian had said, "Like many folk songs,
    this is a kind of oral poetry that gives license to its 'users' to invent
    verses and variations of their own." I immediately remembered a variation on
    Sing a Song of Sixpence that a former classmate and current Minstrels member
    Amulya Gopalakrishnan used to quote. As far as I remember, it was about the
    confusion of the European Union. Or was it the Common Market? I couldn't
    find it on the net (Amu, if you're reading this, do send the lyrics you used
    to sing), but I did find this earlier parody, apparently Australian in
    origin. It was published in a 1928 edition of The Iron Worker, a newspaper
    of the NSW, a branch of Federated Ironworkers Association. It refers, I
    would guess, to World War I. But since the War to End All Wars didn't quite
    succeed in that, don't you think the meaning is applicable to any modern war
    as well?


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