Guest poem submitted by Rachel Morarjee:
(Poem #1969) The Word Down near the bottom of the crossed-out list of things you have to do today, between "green thread" and "broccoli" you find that you have penciled "sunlight." Resting on the page, the word is as beautiful, it touches you as if you had a friend and sunlight were a present he had sent you from some place distant as this morning -- to cheer you up, and to remind you that, among your duties, pleasure is a thing, that also needs accomplishing Do you remember? that time and light are kinds of love, and love is no less practical than a coffee grinder or a safe spare tire? Tomorrow you may be utterly without a clue but today you get a telegram, from the heart in exile proclaiming that the kingdom still exists, the king and queen alive, still speaking to their children, - to any one among them who can find the time, to sit out in the sun and listen. |
I stumbled across this poem today, in a book given to me by a friend in Afghanistan, where I now live, and where the stream of news is endlessly depressing. It was a reminder, that each one of us, whereever we live, needs a gentle prod to remember that within the daily grind of modern life, "pleasure/ is a thing / that also needs accomplishing." This poem is from Tony Hoagland's first anthology Sweet Ruin, and is perhaps the most unalloyed and directly sweet poem he has written, in contrast to much of his other work which addresses the bitter humour of disillusion and the heart's struggle to clamber over the accumulated detritus of disappointment -- and does it with a light humourous touch. Sweet Ruin won the 1992 Brittingham Prize in Poetry and Hoagland has since published two other books, Donkey Gospel, and What Narcissism Means to Me. On the back of the last book it said he teaches at the University of Houston, but I wasn't able to check online from here today. Rachel.
2132 comments: ( or Leave a comment )
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 2132 Newer› Newest»Thank you Rachel for submitting this poem. It was just the poem I was
looking for to send onto my sister who is being swamped by her 'to-do-
list' before Winter comes. I really like the way this poet uses the
immediate world around us and gets us to look at it and use it in a
different way. Wonderful.
I'm so happy to see the Wondering Minstrels back in business! Yay!
Welcome back Minstrels! It has been a long wait.
Another anonymous commenter expressing delight that Minstrels is back up. Great poems!
I think today's poem comes at a very relevant time, as it speaks to many students such as myself who are struggling to find a balance between mid-term obligations and the new sunlight spring brings. The personal impact of this poem on me was further amplified by its use of the second-person pronoun "you".
As Lois above states, the way the poem uses images of the immediate world around us is really nice. I also enjoy the way it begins very concretely, employing the image of words on a "to-do list", and then flows into a more philosophical discussion about the purpose of our daily chores. A soft and pleasant reminder not to get carried away by our quotidian duties and "to sit out in the sun and listen".
Is it really back up? The post itself dates back to 2007!
Just writing in to say that your right sidebar is not working.
Wish it did. Was on the hunt for Ezekiel poems on the net. And there aren't many.
Nissim Ezekiel if I wasn't clear.
Good stuff here.
Man, talk about disappointment. I subscribed to the feed not realising that the last post was from 2007. Still, I can browse the archives. What a wonderful blog!
Oh, I too thought it was recent and pounced gladly on it. But as you say, much pleasure to be had archive-browsing.
dude im black
Love this blog. Just discovered it from who knows where. But I feel blessed in the finding. Added you to my Reader; will return.
YAY! i would follow this blog if the minstrels came back....
Hmm, maybe i should still follow and just read the archives slowly..
Either way, hope you guys come back soon! :)
Mmm, please do return ASAP Minstrels.
Please return!
Please return!
The only thing makes better a world in crisis is...
yes, whoever you are, please come back!
please, come back minstrels! we wonder where you wander
Here's an interesting aside, since the poem starts with a shopping list on which is written the word 'sunlight'. Sunlight is a brand of soap. The owner of the soap factory built a village for his workers. Today it is something of a visitor attraction. It is on the Wirral in Cheshire (UK). The place is called Port Sunlight.
Man, this blog is fantastic! I can't believe that of all the poetry sites I've looked at I didn't stumble across this one. I'm totally going to be cribbing material for my own poetry blog from here. I should have guessed someone else would have the bright idea to post a poem a day with criticism, background info and snark...
Martin, Thomas, Sitaram - a poem a week would do just fine. Won't you reconsider?
Beautiful poem dear..!! Very sweetly written.. Basically loveless life is full of ditches..
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thanks from a swimming italy and happy to have found this place
Minstrels, please come back.
this one is real good thanks for sharing
oh phooey! for one brief moment I though the minstrels were really back.
Great poem thank you.
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keep posting kind of blogs in the future.
Great post. Man, talk about disappointment. I subscribed to the feed not realising that the last post was from 2007. Still, I can browse the archives. What a wonderful blog!
, I too thought it was recent and pounced gladly on it. But as you say, much pleasure to be had archive-browsing.
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according to me there is nothing to wonder.
but the information that is provided is very helpful and very impressive.
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according to me there is nothing to wonder.
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kindly keep posting kind if information in the future.
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according to me there is nothing to wonder.
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These writeup is just awesome. It really wont matter if we say it as a master piece. I wonder how did you go to the roots of these topic. Mind blowing ...
These writeup is just awesome. It really wont mat
This is wonderful, and something I needed to read today.
I think this will be my moto from know. I will keep in my to do list that I prepare everyday "enjoy life"
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This is a great article post. Nicely explained it's awesome. Thanks for sharing the blog....The Word -- Tony Hoagland sentencing
Keep Posting.
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what happened to The Wondering Minstrels?
Ja I want to know what happened to Mistrels aswell? Who knows about it? Post it I am interested!
I'm crazy of your art! This blog is real happiness for me!
This is confusing. Obviously you are not back.
I so wish you were..
And I somehow liked the old style better than this deadly white.
Hm. '_'
Minstrels ... thank you for sharing these wonderful poems. It would be great if the blog could be continued either by you all or by someone who shares your values and good taste.
I stumbled onto this blog today and am extremely pleased about it. Wonderful collection of poems and nice to know the history of the poem and the poet. (Although I must say the poem's font is a little difficult to read) Why is there no 'about you' section in the blog? I'm curious...
Beautiful poem!
according to me there is nothing to wonder.
but the information that is provided is very helpful and very impressive.
thanks for that.
kindly keep posting kind if information in the future.
nice ti meet u
This is a great article post. Nicely explained it's awesome. Thanks for sharing the blog....The Word -- Tony Hoagland sentencing
Keep Posting.
Tony Hoagland sentencing
Keep Posting.
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very interesting poem
Anthony Dey Hoagland is an American poet and writer. His poetry collection 2003, What Narcissism Means to Me, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Other honors include two grants from the National Endowment for the Arts,
He was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. His father was an Army doctor, and Hoagland grew up on various military bases throughout the South. He was educated at Williams College, the University of Iowa (B.A.), and the University of Arizona (M.F.A.).
In an interview with Miriam Sagan about his poetic influences, Hoagland said, "if I were going to place myself on some aesthetic graph, my dot would be equidistant between Sharon Olds and Frank O’Hara, between the confessional (where I started) and the social (where I have aimed myself).
Tony hoagland is great master poem it make me feel in the outer world now to read his poem
I would wait your update again now I miss your article
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Wow! Great poem. Title "The Word" is perfect! My compliments.
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I'm so happy to see the Wondering Minstrels back in business! Yay!
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Tony Hoagland has won lots of awards including a Guggenheim, an O.B. Hardison Jr. Prize, and the Mark Twain Award, which recognizes humor in poetry. Humor and pith abound in Hoagland's work, but so does angst, anger, and tenderness. If anything, it's short on forgiveness, tending toward excoriation, but finally, Hoagland, who seems unable to ignore any detail of human frailty and failing, is full of curiosity and a kind of ruthless and scrupulous attention. There's nothing, not a body part, not an historic episode that is too embarrassing or taboo or touchy from which Hoagland would avert his gaze Sightline Payments Kirk SanfordLottery Results
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I expect today's poem comes at a rattling related term, as it speaks to numerous students specified as myself who are struggling to see a wheel between mid-term obligations and the new sunlight snap brings. The personalised fight of this poem on me was further amplified by its use of the second-person pronoun "you".
As Lois above states, the way the poem uses images of the close reality around us is real overnice. I also savor the way it begins very concretely, employing the somebody of language on a "to-do tip", and then flows into a solon unemotional word roughly the resolution of our daily chores. A gentle and dulcet reminder not to get carried away by our quotidian duties and "to sit out in the sun and pore".
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Wow really nice one...!
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Wonderful poem. Sometimes it gives me inspiration to write although I'm not really good on words.
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I look today's poem comes at a noise accompanying word, as it speaks to numerous students specific as myself who are struggling to see a machine between mid-term obligations and the new sunlight fixing brings. The personalised scrap of this poem on me was further amplified by its use of the second-person pronoun "you".
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Nice poem, so romantic! When u post a book?
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