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An Attempt At Unrhymed Verse -- Wendy Cope

Guest poem submitted by Monica Bathija:
(Poem #1764) An Attempt At Unrhymed Verse
 People tell you all the time,
 Poems do not have to rhyme.
 It's often better if they don't
 And I'm determined this one won't.

                              Oh dear.

 Never mind, I'll start again.
 Busy, busy with my pen...cil.
 I can do it if I try--
 Easy, peasy, pudding and gherkins.

 Writing verse is so much fun,
 Cheering as the summer weather,
 Makes you feel alert and bright,
 'Specially when you get it more or
     less the way you want it.
-- Wendy Cope
Here's one more by Wendy Cope, increasingly a favourite along with Sara
Teasdale thanks to Minstrels. Pencil and gherkins. Isn't that just so much
an effortless effort...

I loved it.


52 comments: ( or Leave a comment )

Lucille Perkins Robinson said...

I liked the rhyming portions. the other sounds more like you were just grabbing out of the air to make sure it didn't rhyme.


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I think poems must rhyme because that's the real purpose of the poem, actually when I make poems I like they rhyme because I've received some courses and that's the main point.m10m

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