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A Place To Be -- Nick Drake

Guest poem sent in by Janice
(Poem #1782) A Place To Be
  When I was younger, younger than before
  I never saw the truth hanging from the door
  And now I'm older see it face to face
  And now I'm older gotta get up clean the place.

  And I was green, greener than the hill
  Where the flowers grew and the sun shone still
  Now I'm darker than the deepest sea
  Just hand me down, give me a place to be.

  And I was strong, strong in the sun
  I thought I'd see when day is done
  Now I'm weaker than the palest blue
  Oh, so weak in this need for you.
-- Nick Drake
All of Drake's songs have this touch of melancholy, a very strong sense of
loss and beauty all at the same time. With this poem, simple yet powerful,
there is a feeling that the poet/songwriter is seeking yet looking back, of
knowing where he is and being lost at the same time.  'Now I'm darker that
the deepest sea' much better can anyone else put it.

Nick Drake was a artist in the late 60's, often called England's Best Kept
Secret, he produced only three albums before dying at the age of 26 from an
accidental(?) overdose of sleeping pills. Suffering from clinical
depression, he was a Keatsian figure who never found a wide audience during
his lifetime. He is known for his gentle, lyrical songs and great plucking
on the guitar. He was depressed because he thought he could not write well

I do hope you enjoy this poem...and if you do please do listen to his




46 comments: ( or Leave a comment )

Amy Cobb said...

Nick Drake has been a favorite of mine for years. He was an amazing musician and songwriter. His guitar playing was so advanced and unusual that it can't really be duplicated. The lyrics to "Time Has Told Me" are beautiful poetry (Perhaps I should submit that). Whenever I put on his music, it always calms me. It just seems like he was too frail for life. A notable irony in his life is that he died five years after his first album Five Years Left was released. It's a shame that the world lost such a beautiful soul at such a young age.

Amy Cobb

David W said...

Nick Drake has some amazing song writing. His poetry isn't technically all
that great, but who cares? His music is moving and powerful.

Geraldw1 said...

"Then in a wailfull choir, the small gnats mourn among the river sallows"......Mourn among, mourn among. ! One hears the sound of the gnats as they hover.......
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