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The Red Wheelbarrow -- William Carlos Williams

(Poem #83) The Red Wheelbarrow
so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
-- William Carlos Williams
Simple, elegant, and wonderfully evocative... this is more painting than


"Reading this poem is like peering at an ordinary object through a pin
prick in a piece of cardboard. The fact that the tiny hole arbitrarily
frames the object endows it with an exciting freshness that seems to
hover on the verge of revelation."
    - Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Poetry.


William Carlos Williams was born September 17, 1883 in Rutherford, New
Jersey, to middle-class parents who were lovers of literature and visual
art. But Williams showed little interest in art until he attended the
University of Pennsylvania's medical school. It was there that he became
enamoured with poetry and was for some time torn between his parents'
wishes that he become a doctor and his own, less conventional
aspirations. While in Pennsylvania, Williams befriended the poet Ezra
Pound, a relationship that he later termed a watershed in his literary
career. Pound not only helped Williams develop his aesthetic of magism -
a poetic approach that emphasized the concrete over abstractions - but
also introduced him to a literary circle that included the flamboyant
poet Hilda Doolittle (H. D.). By the time Williams completed his
studies, he was committed to his writing; yet he still pursued a medical
career and maintained a private practice in Rutherford for over forty
years. From his medical practice Williams gained not only the financial
freedom to write what he wished, but also a rare and intimate insight
into the lives of common people.

Williams's immersion in and attachment to the lives of Rutherford's
townsfolk was mirrored in the aesthetic principles he developed over the
years. He consistently advocated and wrote literature that took its
themes from ordinary life and its voice from the patterns of common
speech. During much of his poetic career, however, these values ran
counter to those of the critically acclaimed poetry of the day - namely,
the classicist, academic, and formal poetry exemplified by T. S. Eliot
and Wallace Stevens. During the 1920s and 1930s Williams labored largely
in obscurity; with the publication of the first Paterson volumes in the
1940s, however, he gained wider recognition, and the emerging Beat
Movement poets of the 1950s venerated him for his rejection of
formalism. Shortly after receiving a Pulitzer Prize, Williams died on
March 4, 1963.


The opening lines set the tone for the rest of the poem. Since the poem
is composed of one sentence broken up at various intervals, it is
truthful to say that "so much depends upon" each line of the poem. This
is so because the form of the poem is also its meaning. This may seem
confusing, but by the end of the poem the image of the wheelbarrow is
seen as the actual poem, as in a painting when one sees an image of an
apple, the apple represents an actual object in reality, but since it is
part of a painting the apple also becomes the actual piece of art.

Notice how the monosyllabic words in line 3 elongate the line, putting
an unusual pause between the word "wheel" and "barrow." This has the
effect of breaking the image down to its most basic parts. The reader
feels as though he or she were scrutinizing each part of the scene.
Using the sentence as a painter uses line and color, Williams breaks up
the words in order to see the object more closely.

The word "glazed" evokes another painterly image. Just as the reader is
beginning to notice the wheelbarrow through a closer perspective, the
rain transforms it as well, giving it a newer, fresher look. This new
vision of the image is what Williams is aiming for.

The last lines offer up the final brushstroke to this "still life" poem.
Another color, "white" is used to contrast the earlier "red," and the
unusual view of the ordinary wheelbarrow is complete. Williams, in
dissecting the image of the wheelbarrow, has also transformed the common
definition of a poem. With careful word choice, attention to language,
and unusual stanza breaks Williams has turned an ordinary sentence into

    - from the Gale Poetry Resource Center

214 comments: ( or Leave a comment )

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mike maguire said...

I feel that the red wheelbarrow is the most simplistic poem that says
the most in my experience. it deals with all the senses in a way that
brings you back to "moments in time"
the contrast of the white chicken beside the red wheelbarrow is a
testament to the colours of the world we live in and that fall within
the spectrum of our site. The fact that it is glazed with rain takes you
back to the smells of youth when a storm finally breaks and everything
is fresh and clean with the sun coming back out.
the wheelbarrow is a symbol of moving earth for the purpose of gardening
and I think is directly related to the idea of sustenance while the
chicken also symbolizes
the need for food and the eggs which were the most amazing childhood
surprise of all if you ever had the good fortune of being able to gather
them. The opening line of the poem "so much depends" is indicative to me
that william carlos williams wanted to write a poem which would create
in us a thought process in regards to what is really important in life
and link us to memories of our senses in the past
based on the exposure an individual had to certain things. I believe
this right down to the front wheel of the barrel and the laws of physics
which are represented in the actual workings of a wheelbarrow in itself.
You can almost imagine a child getting run around the yard in the
memorables rides with dads and moms. Maybe i'm adding too much to a poem
that is so simple in nature, but I think that stretching the thought
process to the limit in this case is exactly what the author wanted us
to do. Each one of these thoughts opens up a hundred more doors, adds
empathy and feeling to our lives, in a way that can only add to the
development of a healthier, more inquisitive mind.
By the way when I first read this poem at the age of fourteen I thought
it sucked! In bringing
my kids up, we would sit there and discuss all the possibilities at
great lengths, and its funny, that at the age of 49 and the kids being
22 and 20, we all still remember the red wheelbarrow.

thank you wcw

mike maguire

Jim Petreszyn said...

Her is my take on Williams "Red Wheel Barrow." It is not merely the
image of the wheelbarrow that is important here, but our own ability to
imagine. Where would we be today without imagination. We certainly
would have never reached to moon. Williams does a spectacular job of
putting such a simple sentence before us and allowing our mind's eye to
picture it so clearly. That is what "so much depends on."

Spleath2 said...

I have to say the my take on this poem is completely different. The real point of the poem is that so much depends on perspective. It all has to do with where the line breaks are placed. For instance, at the end of the first line of the second stanza the reader is tricked more or less, one pictures a wheel but it is in fact a wheelbarrow. It is too much to explain in this limited space but think about it.

mel foisy said...

i have to agree with the person who said that "so much depends upon"
perspective. the line breaks show this clearly. It is important to know
that the author means "wheel barrow" instead of "wheel" and "rain water"
instead of "rain." take out "barrow" and "water" in the poem and you have a
completely different feel for the poem. the poem's main subject matter even
changes, from a wheelbarrow to a wheel. the dichotomy between red and white
still remains, but the feel for the poem is different. The "feel" for the
poem is really important here because the poet is painting a picture out of
a sentence. In art, the artistic take, or "feel," adds to the overall
meaning the viewer/ reader gets out of their experience.

Israel Cohen said...

so much depends upon

And here's why:
Using ? = aleph, KH = het, kh = khaf, 3 = aiyin, a: = vowel "aye"

wheelbarrow = KHaDoFeN < Aramaic KHaD = one + ?oFeN = wheel.
red wheelbarrow = KHaDoFeN ?aDoM
KHaD BeN-?aDaM = one + man/human/person

rain water = Ma:-GeSHeM. Glazed = Z'khookhi.
with rainwater glazed = B'Ma:GeSHeM Z' khookhi
B'MaGSHiM MaSHiaKH = as [the] corporealization
of + [the] Messiah

Beside the = 3aL YaD Ha-
3aL YaDa: Ha- = by means of, through the
?a:L YaD = hand of God
white chickens = (tarnagol) HoDoo LaVaN
HoDah LaBeN = praise/thanks + to the son
HoD = glory

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This same process ... Hebrew --> Hebrew pun --> English translation ...
explains some English idioms. For example:
(cold enough) to freeze the balls off a ...

Brass Monkey

The origin of this phrase seems to be Semitic, perhaps Aramaic
and finally Arabic. In this phrase, the P-sound (in Hebrew)
has become a B-sound as, for example, Naples --> Nablus.

It seems the following Semitic words are involved:
peh-lamed-tzadi PeLeTZ = shudder (as from cold) -->
peh-lamed-yod-zaiyin P'LiZ = brass
[compare palsy = a condition characterized by body part tremors]

kuf-feh-(vav)oo-aleph KaFoo? = freeze/frozen -->
kuf-(vav)oo-feh KooF = monkey

So, first of all, the Semitic equivalent of "brass monkey"
is a (near) homonym for, and therefore a pun on, the Semitic
equivalent of "shudder-frozen".

Giving the peh a B-sound and dropping the K causes
P'LiZ kaFoo? to sound like

So what we have here is the transliterated sound of
"brass monkey" [probably in Arabic] followed by its
translation into English: brass monkey.

By the skin of my teeth

Compare: [to escape] "by the skin of [one's] teeth".
This phrase means "barely, hardly, with difficulty".
This phrase is a literal translation of Job 19:20,
in which Job says that he escaped B'3or SHinai
[= with the skin of my teeth]. Giving the 3=aiyin a
velar G/K sound, this is a Hebrew homonym/pun
on B'KoSHi [= barely, hardly, with difficulty].

best regards,
Israel Cohen

Bill Luoma said...

white chickens
(dick cheney, george bush, j. ashcroft, etc).
re this poem is not really a poem but an exceprt from a large poem called Spring
and All.
I recommend reading the original

Professor Brian O'blivion

Ken Stephens said...

It's stupid. Nothing only depends on a wet, red wheel barrow sitting beside white chickens.

darctom said...

I picture a painter saying this to himself as he paints. Maybe he paints the wheel first and the adds the barrel after, adding it into what he is saying too. Then he adds the details and the chickens. This poem is an artist's thought process. The result is that the chickens wouldn't be as white and the rain couldn't glaze anything if it weren't for the red wheel



I have to say that this poem makes no damn sense, all yall must b on crack if u can understand wut its supposed to mean

Debbie Brown said...

this is a great poem dude

Harold McQuestion said...

This is an imagist poem, it is meant to create a picture in your mind - a
mental snapshot. Two of my favorite poems that are similar are "i know a
man" by Robert Creeley and "In a Station At The Metro" by Ezra pound. I
never ask myself what a poem means, I only care if it inspires me or changes
my mood or places an 8 X 10 in my mental rolodex.

James Kistner said...

Regarding The Red Wheelbarrow, I now am fully aware of why the facist Pound thought WC Williams works un-American. It wasn't the race card, Williams had no purpose in his writing, except to divert his attention from the labors that paid for his bread and butter, doctoring. He did not need to have an affinity to 'mankind' as Eliot or Pound. He wrote of nothing of import. That is why he claims in this joke, "in all depends". I bet cash he wrote it while on the crapper. James C. Kistner, Niagara County Community College, NF. NY.

"Truth, though the heavens may fall."

Koolpopoki said...

Last night, I quoted the first part of this poem to one of the people I work
with at a consulting firm party. What I meant was that ordinary, everyday
things or actions (in my case, a casual conversation with the person I may be
replacing on one of the firm's contracts) can have a very large impact. Also, I
had recently done some home landscaping that involved extensive use of a
wheelbarrow and had become newly aware of the simple machine's importance.

I'm amazed at the variety of comments you've received, though I'm not sure
how seriously to take some of them. I think it's a wonderful poem.

Melissa Morritt said...

Raaahhh it sucks because poetry sucks fkdjlfkdjakfjdkala the end

Audrey Dittman said...

Ok I personal, hate this peom right now. Simply becasue I know it is supposed to know some significant thing but I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!!!Th person who read this poem top me adn some friends last year said that it took him 12 years to fugure out what the white chikens meannt, and he won't tell me. But this poem is going to Drive me up the wall!!!!

SpiDeRsUniTedx69 said...

Hi, my name is Olivia Williams. I read your review on that poem "The red
Wheelbarrow." i thought i would ask you why you liked it. Personally, i didnt like
it at all. I thought it was strangely...stupid. My six year old sister could
write the same thing.
Thanks for your time,
Olivia Williams

Brandon Finerty said...

it makes no sense but it 's pretty cool

Richard Stead said...

if ever you wanted to think that the universe could be contained within a drop of rainwater read The Red Wheelbarrow


rocketronny said...

I love this poem because it stirs people to think.
It reminds me that as a self centered human I tend to believe everything
in my immediate vicinity can be viewed as being of importance and
interconnected. Then I see a Hubble telescope picture of a far away
view. I am snapped back to humility by Gods handy work and for me
nothing depends so much upon anything.
The Red Wheelbarrow makes me smile and I feel good.


The Paint Guy said...

I think that it's amazing that people that do absolutely nothing can do
absolutley nothing with popular approval because some critic says that their
nothing is inspired. What's inspired about this? Poetry is significant
because of its ability to reach out to human emotion on a different level
than just ordinary words. This doesn't reach out to anyone. Instead, it
makes people over-analyze something that is truly meaningless (except maybe
to Williams). Are we so starved for poetic talent that this is what we will
now consider genius?

The Paint Guy said...

Now, this is real poetry! Can I get some analysis, please?

Mooole rat, Mooole rat
Your face is so beautiful
Mooole rat, mooole rat
Your wings are so flappy and purple
the way the veins pop out are electrifying
Moooole rat, Moooole rat
You are so GREAT!

- The Flying Mole Rat

The Paint Guy said...

I think that it's amazing that people that do absolutely nothing can do
absolutley nothing with popular approval because some critic says that their
nothing is inspired. What's inspired about this? Poetry is significant
because of its ability to reach out to human emotion on a different level
than just ordinary words. This doesn't reach out to anyone. Instead, it
makes people over-analyze something that is truly meaningless (except maybe
to Williams). Are we so starved for poetic talent that this is what we will
now consider genius?

Gambrel Robert said...

I like the poem.

The Akey's said...

I think that the red wheelbarrow is a symbol of death and the red is blood of slaughtered chickens that were carried in the wheel barrow , just look at the original writing of the poem each sentence is broken up and the shape of the sentences resemble an axe.

Crystal Smith said...

I'm thinking that a wheelbarrow is supposed to be thought of according to its use. It's used to pile up heavy things and haul them off with relative ease. In the same way it can be used to pile up your problems, stresses, emotional problems that are heavy on their own...and plop them someplace out of your mind. Now the glazed with rain and white chickens part I'm thinking shouldn't require so much thought. I'm thinking of a wheelbarrow sitting out in the rain beside the chicken coop..almost as if it's waiting for its next use. The owner knows where it is when he needs it and even neglects it until it's proven useful for him again.

Crystal Smith said...

sorry to include my's crystal :D

I'm thinking that a wheelbarrow is supposed to be thought of according to its use. It's used to pile up heavy things and haul them off with relative ease. In the same way it can be used to pile up your problems, stresses, emotional problems that are heavy on their own...and plop them someplace out of your mind. Now the glazed with rain and white chickens part I'm thinking shouldn't require so much thought. I'm thinking of a wheelbarrow sitting out in the rain beside the chicken coop..almost as if it's waiting for its next use. The owner knows where it is when he needs it and even neglects it until it's proven useful for him again.

Happyg270 said...

I think this poem does actually make some sense. You have to have an
imagination, and try to actually picture what is being said in the poem. If you dont
have an imagination then yes this poem will not make a bit of sense to you.

Happyg270 said...

April Butcher,

I honestly think this poem makes sense, it makes people think
outside the box. I also think that poetry makes people use their imagination.
I believe that for some people to make sense of poems they need to have an

Gambrel Robert said...

I think that the wheelbarrow should be yellow.

Gambrel Robert said...

I think that is a very goo poem because it is short.

Justin Carey

PinkAngelLips said...

This poem has shown a good use of imagery. It brings pictures of a pleasent
day on a farm to mind. It makes the overall mood quite peaceful and
pleasant. Job well done.

Templin2005 said...

Reading the Red Wheelbarrow is about as life changing as watching grass
grow. It would be better for you to smack yourself with a brick and run into
oncoming traffic than to waste your time reading this meaningless and pointless
poem about wheelbarrows and chickens.

MWrestlingman said...

ok people im 16 years old and fully understand this poem!!! he is watching a
child die and can do nothing to save him, he then looks out the window for
comfort and sees the wheel barrow!
- XXHardcoreDEWXX

Jackson Anthony said...

It seem like some significant event... Childbirth, death, both maybe... had perhaps forced the poet to transfer significance to a visual scene he encountered on the occasion. For this reason The Red Wheelbarrow haunts me.

Reis Robert said...

In teaching this poem, I wanted my 7th graders to consider two
perspectives. First, there are the obvious "things" in the poem such as
the barrow, the water, and the chickens. The kids may reply that this is
what the poem is about. But I prompted them to look further and examine
what relationship each of these "things" have for one another. Finally,
a student spoke up and remarked that the first line seems to have
significance to set the stage for the rest of the poem. I asked him what
he meant, he replied that this is a poem about how things depend on
other things, along with people, and so on, and so on. This was such a
great moment, since I had them write about a connection they can make to
the deeper, interpretative meaning of the poem. We jotted a few words
down - depends, rely, need, trust, hope. Then, to help the students who
otherwise were stuck with the literal understanding of the poem, I had
them ask themselves, "Who is my wheelbarrow? Who is my chicken? What is
the rainwater in my life?"

The writing really took off at this point. We had students equating the
wheelbarrow with parents, teachers, and the government. They equated
chickens with themselves, or even pets and younger siblings. They
equated rain water with money, food, resources, even love.

It was a rather deep discussion and we were all amazed how such a simple
vignette of sorts could yield so many deep thoughts. It's the perfect
poem to get students to distinguish the literal and the interpretative
in poetry.

Alex insert nickname here Poterack said...

I think this poem is like Peter Sellers in the movie Being There.

Unless your name is Bob Dylan or Weird Al, rock lyrics are not poetry.

Sherri Golkow said...

whoever was making the reference to hebrew, well reading it over they didnt stay constant with one language.... B' (buh) (the letter bet) in hebrew means in, not from. ben dosnt mean person, it means son/son of. mah geshem dosnt translate to rainwater, yes geshem is rain, good there, but mah means what, so where did that fit in? and the rest, i wont even address, none of that made sence

Hannah Wilson said...

I might be completely off on this, but I get something completely different from this poem than people I have talked to. I take into consideration that the wheelbarrow is the one that does all the work, while the chickens are the ones that are tended to and get the attention. I see it was a tribute to the working man, the one who toils on and goes through the hard stuff (the rain) while others reap the benefits.

Terrence Hopper said...

Anyone who would like to find out what the red wheel barrow
is actually about you can find the answer at this website:
[broken link]
It's in the section called The Red Wheelbarrow-Solved by Terrence Hopper.

Bob Hutner said...

so little depends

a yellow wagon

filled with

beside the red

by Nat

Am i famous yet?

Pierce Hibbs said...

To whom it may concern,

This is probably the best poem I have ever read.

Eva Valenti said...

Hmm. Maybe we should let the poem alone to speak for itself, instead of pumping it up and tainting it with our own experiences/takes on it.


"He smells nice... Like drugs and cat and outdoors and boy."

Karen Gamble said...































Karen Gamble said...

Black betty bam la bam

Is way cooler than this poem because I hate chickens and I can't stand
red wheel barrows

Thank you black betty

P.S. bam la bam

Maureen Hurley said...

For those Wondering Minstrel postees who seem to be recent graduates
of the "Ignorance is Bliss" school of thought, for the emTV
Generation who want everything unraveled and Holly Hobbied, whose
anesthesized minds have atrophied to the size of a comma and
therefore they empirically state that the poem should cease to exist
because they "don't get it", regardless of the fact that it brings
delight to. and inspires others, a word of advice: should you wish to
deepen your arts consumer experience, remember this: not only is art
the self expression of the artist, art is what you, the observer, the
consumer, bring with you to the table. It's up to you to make it into
a veritable banquet.

The imagery of any poem is embedded within the language of the
culture, the poet is not disassociated from the imagery in the poem,
it's not words pulled out of a hat to irritate and confound you, Dear
Reader. The poet chooses images from his daily life. In WCW's case,
ordinary things he sees on his daily rounds. Imagine for a second,
what was WC Williams' job? He was a doctor. Who/what was he
surrounded by? When was it written? Where? What are the primal colors
of hospitals, of life and death? White, for the hospital walls, for
the nurses' uniforms, perhaps the chickens? They wore abbreviated
wimples that stuck out like chicken wings, a cultural hangover from
when nurses were nuns. What if he's waiting between surgeries to see
if a child he operated on will recover from anesthesia? Think
gurneys, think ambulances, think blood, think think, think upon all
the images that you can conjure up of hospitals.

Now go back and feast upon the poem again with a fresh eye. BTW, a
5th grader "got it" and told me about the nurses... And yes, it is a
fragment from a long poem, where other clues—how to read the poem—are
rampant. Find the hidden gems by the... back walls of the hospital
where nothing will grow...Think like Sherlock. Deduce. I won't burden
you with Frost's idea of what poetry should be, nor will I invoke
Occam's Razor, but I will leave you with something Plato said:
"Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history." Remember what the
Good Doctor Poet (WCW) said: "It is difficult getting the news from
poetry but men die miserably every day for lack of what is found
there..." —Mo

P.S. Weirdly, at a boring cocktail party we met an airline pilot from
Rutherford/Patterson, NJ, who, when we said we were poets, told us
he once knew a poet. When he was five, perhaps testing his fledgling
wings, the pilot jumped out of an apple tree and broke his leg. "And
who was the doctor?" we asked, leaning in... Yep. Himself.

Michael Korch said...

Although I respect the opinions of most who took the time to comment
(although I do think some are truly missing out on life and should
quite possibly turn off their computer for a spell), I feel I need to
bring to mind an idea that seems to have been missed.

I believe it to be important to think of the aesthetic beliefs of
William Carlos Williams to truly understand what he attempts to say.

WCW once told a story about a man named Hartpence, who in the course
of his work at an art gallery, came to take on a managerial role
while the proprietor was away. During this time period, a woman
interested in purchasing a painting approached him, and asked "Mr.
Hartpence, what is all that down in this left hand corner", to which
he replied "That, Madame, is paint".

WCW was a career physician, who in the brief periods of time between
patients would pull out a typewriter, and write poetry, often quick
and hurriedly. Unlike other poets of the day such as Elliot, WCW
didn't use classical references or elevated speech, but rather wrote
very simply, in American english, creating a wonderful image.

The answer to all questioning over the meaning and direction of the
red wheelbarrow cannot be anymore simpler in the eyes of WCW.

What is the red wheelbarrow?
Why, it is a poem.

Billiardsbrain said...

I believe every space and comma is a living part of the poem and has its
function, just as every muscle and pore of the body has its function. And the
way the lines are broken is a functioning part essential to the poem's life.
Quote from- Denise Levertov.

swillowpond said...

much ado about nothing...or everything

Mark D. Cook said...

It is a dream like vision that even Mr. Williams would ponder from time to
time. He too would surround the setting with different stories of what it
all means. Some times the wheelbarrow was new. Another time rusty and
worn. The glaze from the wetness hiding the fact that it has lost it's

Neil Procter said...

What William Carlos Williams is discussing in The Red Wheelbarrow is what we refer to these days as the butterfly effect. He has described a simple, albeit attractive scene, that in my mind is always viewed from a house window. I see the poet standing indoors, looking out into the rain and seeing the wheelbarrow and the chickens pecking and scratching around it. And what he thinks is, "If that wheelbarrow was in a different spot or at a different angle - if the chickens were not in this part of the garden - what else would then be different? Would it mean that the future from this point on would unravel in a different way? Everything is part of everything, and therefore necessary to hold everything together. That is why so much depends on this red wheelbarow.

zhishuoou said...

This poem is a tells of william carlos's life. You must first understand his background to understand the poem. U are stupid if u think it has no meaning.

Palestine Vet said...

Yes the poem was written by a doctor, Doctor Williams, who had struggled all night to save a little patient. In the Morning, he was able to see ordinary things with special significance, as those of us who have lost children,do. Sincerly, marysoucek

Ashley Smith said...

I always thought of this poem as a painting of perspective. On a
rainy day, the palette is muted, more subdued, and grey. But the gray
of a rainy day allows colours to pop out. A red wheelbarrow is so
much more red against the white of the chickens, as is the white of
the chickens against a red barrow, hence one facet of the causal
relationship that define one object from another. For a visual
perspective, look at Monet's painting, "Poppy Field near Argenteuil."
What are the poppies but luminous splotches of scarlet on the canvas?
But against the contrast and within the context of the green fields
and blue skies, they become transformed into poppies. I find the
subtlety of this poem striking...people question the greatness of the
poem because they or their 8 yr old child could write a sentence like
it. But they haven't, have they? Poetry can take the unseen or in
this case, the seen yet not noticed, focus it, and make us conscious.
Life is too short to have our brains numbed to everything and take
everything we see for granted.


Deirdre Robinson said...

I have just heard this 'poem' for the first time today. I am stunned that so many people have read so much into, what can only be called, an evocative line of prose. It just goes to show one can over-analyse anything. I'm sure the poet must have been vastly amused by all the fuss over his momentary observation. Gee, I must publish my shopping list. What would people make of that??

Anonymous said...

For those of you that can't figure out this poem, or in my opinion this masterpiece, the author, William Carlos Williams, was a doctor before he was a poet. When a girl was dying right before his eyes, he looked out the window and that is was he saw. The wagon, and dew on the wagon, and the chickens. Knowing that information really let me look deeper into this poem.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above. I've read that he wrote it as a child died in front of him. To me, it reflects on that strange feeling you get when you look at inanimate objects... And they are unchanged, even after something horrible has just happened. It makes you wonder what really matters. The girl is dead, but the wheelbarrow is unaffected...

alpaca said...

to me the poem is of no significance. I could write a similar one myself and you could think about it imagining the situation, painting mental pictures, and discussing it for hours and hours :)))


sitting in brown

sipping lemon tea

besides the crimson

what can be more

I think that a very important thing about any poem is who the author is. everyone is making so much fuss about the red wheelbarrow because williams wrote it. if it was me who wrote the red wheelbarrow, no one would give a shit:)

Ų£ŁŠŁŁˆŁ† said...

there is nothing compare to this one of all his work

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Anonymous said...

My first thought, as regards this “poem,” is that it’s completely idiotic. The only image in the poem is a wheelbarrow sitting next to a few chickens. If this is poetry, a six year old with poor grammar could be a poet. In my opinion, this poem is only considered poetry because in our modern society, we are brainwashed to believe that poetry must be deeply profound, full of metaphor, and not traditional or classic in any way. Well, calling it like I see it, this isn’t poetry. It’s the result of a society that values “shock factor” over everything else.

Eduardo Martinez said...

alpaca said...
I think that a very important thing about any poem is who the author is. everyone is making so much fuss about the red wheelbarrow because williams wrote it. if it was me who wrote the red wheelbarrow, no one would give a shit:)

so untrue: accessibility is what makes a poem famous, but it has nothing to do with what the poem might inspire in an individual. Yesterday I read a poem about forgetting words that still clings to my memory like a haze. It was posted on a bulletin board along with others in a senior resident center. Since it is poetry month, I suppose it was written in a poetry class for seniors. I don't know the author, but I can see her weathered hands over the keyboard (although my original image as I read the poem was of a pen in hand) as she forgetfully writes the words. I will have to go back and get a copy!

e. m. said...

I found this site because because I remembered the poem as being about a red wagon and wanted to make sure, as a friend told me wallace stevens was the one who wrote of a red wagon. This conversation came up after I recited this poem which I wrote.

i painted a wagon red
it became a poem
e. e. cummings rode in it
after writing words on the wheels
to watch as they went round and round

on the other hand
is not a poem
to be pontificated on a podium
it is that tiny candle
that is carried
in the wagon
in the full noon sun

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Anonymous said...

my english teacher told us a story about this poem, idk if its true but it made this poem go from stupid to soooo meaningful to me-
as you know w.c. williams was a doctor back when house calls were made. apparently a very young girl was extremely sick and bed ridden for a year or so. and hed go visit her and... it was sad having such a young girl full of life so fatally sick on the bed with nothing to cure her, just things to ease the pain. and next to her bed was a window. outside the window you could clearly see the scene described in the poem.

so much depended on that scene because when she no longer could see that scene it would ultimately mean that she had died. as long as she could open her eyes and see that wheelbarrow, she was alive.

... idk if its true, but thats pretty deep stuff lol.

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Because it comes from deep within, I think there is a mystical element to great literature in that it has multiple meanings (which the writer is aware of at least on an emotional or sensory level--the same as with their own inner-self and their unexplainable connections to others). Anything that comes from a deep, honest and aware place will touch others who on some level feel (or witness) the same. No heartfelt interpretation is random or can be wrong.

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Anonymous said...

Really? It is just a little sentence broken up into bite-sized fragments. How this even gets called a 'poem' is a mystery.

The whole thing reminds me hauntingly of the Apple advertising thing: break your sentences up into about 2 words each, so the stupid 'average' person can pretend to understand it...

Anonymous said...

Facebook entry:(at 3:40 Kimmy says)
School sucks--life sucks. First period I failed my math test, then in English we did some shitty little poem that made no sense and from then on the day got worse! Now I have a detention and it's raining buckets. If anyone even LOOKS at me on the way home, I'm going to slug them.
Facebook entry:(at 4:37 Kimmy says)
Oh my god--guess what I saw on the way home--a whole family of ducks! On Main St! Marching along in a straight line as if they had some shopping to do! The mother, six babies and the father-it was awesome! I'm in a much better mood now ha ha.

So much depends on . . . .

Or, to put it another way (with Auden's help): "the world hath neither joy nor love, nor light/Nor certitude. . . and we are here as on a darkling plain/Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight/Where ignorant armies clash by night."
There are certainly days when we see the world that way, but we can keep ourselves from despair if we can find beauty in everyday things--in nature, in the juxtaposition of light and shade, in the harmony and configuration of everyday objects--a still life, if you will. If you have eyes to see, to really see, your suffering can be lessened and you will find spots of joy on an otherwise "darkling plain,"
Can you see now what Williams' means by saying
"So much depends on the red wheelbarrow glistening with rain water"? It doesn't matter that it is a wheelbarrow or that they are chickens: what matters is that he can see in the confiuration of their glazed colouring something that lifts his soul, that brings him a moment of joy and peace.
What also matters is that we let ourselves read and contemplate a poem without dismissing it or dissing it just because we don't "get it" the first time we look at it.
I hope this helps you to begin to understand your "shitty little poem," Kimmy.

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izzy cohen said...

The Red Wheelbarrow

The Red Wheelbarrow is a famous poem, presumably with some "hidden meaning".

Here is my own explication via transliteration of

The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams:

so much depends upon
a red wheel barrow
glazed with rain water
beside the white chickens.

Izzy (that's me) thinks it means:

so much depends upon

Here's why. Using @ = aleph, KH = het, kh = khaf, 3 = aiyin, a: = vowel "aye"

wheelbarrow = KHaDoFeN < Aramaic KHaD = one + @oFeN = wheel.
red wheelbarrow = KHaDoFeN @aDoM
KHaD BeN-@aDaM = one + man/human/person

rain water = Ma:-GeSHeM. Glazed = Z'khookhi.
with rainwater glazed = B'Ma:GeSHeM Z' khookhi
B'MaGSHiM MaSHiaKH = as [the] corporealization of + [the] Messiah

Beside the = 3aL YaD Ha-
3aL YaDa: Ha- = by means of, through; because of the
white chickens = (tarnagol) HoDoo LaVaN
HoDah LaBeN = praise/thanks + to [the] son
HoD = glory, splendor

Did Williams do this with conscious intent?
Did Williams know enough Hebrew to implement this process?

If this poem were written by Lewis Carroll, I would say "yes". Carroll was fluent in
all of the languages mentioned in The Hunting of the Snark.

Williams mother was a Puerto Rican woman of French Basque and Dutch Jewish descent.

Perhaps he learned some Hebrew from his mother?
Perhaps he “reverse engineered” this poem by doing the exact opposite of what I did?

Israel "izzy" Cohen
Petah Tikva, Israel

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