(Poem #777) Upon Julia's Clothes Whenas in silks my Julia goes Then, then, (methinks) how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes. Next, when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free; Oh, how that glittering taketh me! |
A brief, yet bewitching poem from Herrick. The sensuous enchantment of his words rivals anything by the great Romantics, but the choice of topic - prosaic, and even a bit earthy - sets his poem apart. thomas. [Minstrels Links] Poems by Robert Herrick: Poem #332, "Delight In Disorder" Poem #398, "The Night Piece, To Julia" Poem #593, "The Hag" Poem #665, "Dreams" The second of these has a biography and links to several archives of Herrick's poetry. Herrick always reminds me of John Donne, both for his technical mastery and for his outspoken emotion. Check out the following poems by the latter: Poem #330, "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" Poem #384, "Song" Poem #403, "A Lame Beggar" Poem #465, "The Sun Rising" [Moreover] "Upon Julia's Clothes" is but one of several Herrick poems addressed to Julia; others include "The Night Piece: To Julia", "On Julia's Voice", "A Ring Presented to Julia", "Julia's Petticoat" and "The Bracelet: To Julia" (I'm sure there are more). The "Julia" poems (not to be confused with Samuel Daniel's "Delia" sonnets - see Poem #375 on the Minstrels for an example) have varying forms and themes, but underlying them all is a wonderfully romantic love. Surprisingly, none of the usual references (Britannica, Google) have anything to say on who this Julia might be. Would some kind member of this list care to enlighten me?
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