(Poem #1868) The Talented Man Dear Alice! you'll laugh when you know it, -- Last week, at the Duchess's ball, I danced with the clever new poet, -- You've heard of him, -- Tully St. Paul. Miss Jonquil was perfectly frantic; I wish you had seen Lady Anne! It really was very romantic, He *is* such a talanted man! He came up from Brazenose College, Just caught, as they call it, this spring; And his head, love, is stuffed full of knowledge Of every conceivable thing. Of science and logic he chatters, As fine and as fast as he can; Though I am no judge of such matters, I'm sure he's a talented man. His stories and jests are delightful; -- Not stories or jests, dear, for you; The jests are exceedingly spiteful, The stories not always *quite* true. Perhaps to be kind and veracious May do pretty well at Lausanne; But it never would answer, -- good gracious! Chez nous -- in a talented man. He sneers, -- how my Alice would scold him! -- At the bliss of a sigh or a tear; He laughed -- only think! -- when I told him How we cried o'er Trevelyan last year; I vow I was quite in a passion; I broke all the sticks of my fan; But sentiment's quite out of fashion, It seems, in a talented man. Lady Bab, who is terribly moral, Has told me that Tully is vain, And apt -- which is silly -- to quarrel, And fond -- which is sad -- of champagne. I listened, and doubted, dear Alice, For I saw, when my Lady began, It was only the Dowager's malice; -- She *does* hate a talented man! He's hideous, I own it. But fame, love, Is all that these eyes can adore; He's lame, -- but Lord Byron was lame, love, And dumpy, -- but so is Tom Moore. Then his voice, -- *such* a voice! my sweet creature, It's like your Aunt Lucy's toucan: But oh! what's a tone or a feature, When once one's a talented man? My mother, you know, all the season, Has talked of Sir Geoffrey's estate; And truly, to do the fool reason, He *has* been less horrid of late. But today, when we drive in the carriage, I'll tell her to lay down her plan; -- If ever I venture on marriage, It must be a talented man! P.S. -- I have found, on reflection, One fault in my friend, -- entre nous; Without it, he'd just be perfection; -- Poor fellow, he has not a sou! And so, when he comes in September To shoot with my uncle, Sir Dan, I've promised mamma to remember He's only a talented man! |
This is an unexpectedly funny poem - I started off smiling, but had to laugh out loud before I was done. It's hard to write a humorous poem where the intent is that the reader laugh at the narrator; it's even harder when the main element of the poem's humour is that indefinable quality, "tone of voice". But Praed not only manages to thread the poem through with a delightful vein of sly humour, he makes the whole thing look wonderfully effortless - indeed, I was almost tempted to dismiss this as a funny but essentially trivial poem, until I started to think about just how chancy a thing humour can be. It's still a trivial poem, mind you, but it's also an impressive one. That humour of this sort is indeed tricky to handle is unfortunately revealed with a jar in the last verse, which has a definite "I have no idea how to end this" feel to it. The supplied punchline is superficially funny, but it is a tired, cliched sort of humour, and one inconsistent in tone with the rest of the poem. Happily, it doesn't detract from the rest of the poem - there is a slight sense of letdown at the end, but, at least for me, the lingering impression is entirely positive. martin Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winthrop_Mackworth_Praed [Praed seems to have led an interesting and active life]
24 comments: ( or Leave a comment )
He reminds me of Heyer (who writes of the same age, of course). Her stories
are trivial, but the humour's often surprisingly good.
Thanks for the great trip we will be monitoring your next job.
Is a very excellent article.
Oh, Sarah, really top it.
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Spec really good websites. We provide you with a good article that came out again.
Spec really good websites. We provide you with a good article that came out again.
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cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
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Good Article
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