Guest poem sent in by Kimbol Soques
(Poem #1132) if everything happens that can't be done (LIV) if everything happens that can't be done (and anything's righter than books could plan) the stupidest teacher will almost guess (with a run skip around we go yes) there's nothing as something as one one hasn't a why or because or although (and buds know better than books don't grow) one's anything old being everything new (with a what which around we go who) one's everyanything so so world is a leaf is a tree is a bough (and birds sing sweeter than books tell how) so here is away and so your is a my (with a down up around again fly) forever was never till now now i love you and you love me (and books are shutter than books can be) and deep in the high that does nothing but fall (with a shout each around we go all) there's somebody calling who's we we're everything brighter than even the sun (we're everything greater than books might mean) we're everyanything more than believe (with a spin leap alive we're alive) we're wonderful one times one |
Pretty format: My comments: I've always had a strong urge to play ring-around-the-rosy while reading this because of the strong rhythm (dare I say 'meter'?) and the second parenthetical sections in each stanza. Physically it's one of Cummings' easier poems to read -- or stick in an email, for that matter. At the same time it has many of his hallmark constructions - "everyanything", odd syntax ("deep in the high that does nothing but fall"), and striking free verse enjambment. The last stanza is my favorite, and brings me back time & again. I especially like the closing "one times one" -- an effective description of the 'two become one' idea behind marriage (and many love affairs), carrying the idea of multiplication while still emphasizing unity. Kimbol
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